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O presidente francês
François Hollande foi acusado de trair os “valores da esquerda e
da República Francesa”, por querer avançar com uma medida que
prevê a perda da cidadania francesa para os cidadãos com dupla
nacionalidade condenados por terrorismo.
Segundo conta o
jornal The Guardian, historiadores, políticos e alguns membros do
Partido Socialista do país criticaram a ideia por promover “uma
divisão fundamental do povo francês em duas categorias, contra o
espírito da Constituição francesa”, resume Jacques Toubon,
ex-ministro da Justiça e atual consultor constitucional para
direitos civis.
Para Anne Hidalgo,
presidente da Câmara de Paris, a medida não vai “contribuir em
nada à luta contra o terrorismo”.
A ministra da
Justiça, Christiane Taubira, disse esta semana a uma rádio argelina
citada pelo Guardian que a medida “representa um problema
fundamental em termos de direitos nacionais por local de nascimento”.
Outro crítico da
ideia é Pascal Cherki, membro do conselho Nacional do Partido
Socialista francês. O político afirmou esta quinta-feira à rádio
RMC que votará contra a proposta e que não entende “como um
partido de esquerda pode criticar [os partidos de] a extrema-direita
e apropriar-se de uma medida deles”. E remata: “Vou tentar levar
esta defesa com toda convicção ao máximo de membros republicanos
da esquerda e direita para que se oponham a esta lei que põe em
causa o direito de solo no nosso país”.
Eva Joly, magistrada
francesa membro do Partido Verde francês, concorda com Cherki. “É
uma medida sem significado prático que não vai combater o
terrorismo. É puramente simbólica e política. É revoltante. Vejo
isso como uma maneira de dividir os franceses e sacrificar os nossos
valores”, defendeu em citação do Guardian.
Mas a medida conta
com o apoio popular. De acordo com uma sondagem realizada pelo
instituto Elabe em novembro, 94% dos franceses apoia a perda da
cidadania francesa para os cidadãos com dupla nacionalidade que
forem condenados por terrorismo. A pergunta foi feita a mil pessoas
através da Internet.
Outro defensor da
ideia é o primeiro-ministro francês, Manuel Valls, que afirmou esta
quarta-feira após uma reunião do Conselho de ministros que a
“medida era uma ‘multa pesada’ que poderia ser legitimamente
usada contra aqueles que traíram o estado ao pegar em armas contra
companheiros cidadãos”.
Segundo as contas do
jornal The Guardian, há cerca de 3,3 milhões de franceses com dupla
nacionalidade a viver no país. A Constituição francesa atual prevê
que apenas cidadãos naturalizados que adquiriram dupla nacionalidade
dez anos antes de cometer um crime grave podem perder a dupla
cidadania. A lei não inclui cidadãos com dupla nacionalidade
nascidos em França.
A medida de Hollande
será debatida no Parlamento francês em fevereiro de 2016 e faz
parte de um conjunto de alterações que o primeiro-ministro quer
fazer na Constituição do país com o objetivo de impedir novos
ataques terroristas ao país.
24-12-2015 /
accused of 'betraying Republic' over dual-nationality plan
president pressing ahead with popular but controversial proposal to
strip citizenship from bi-nationals convicted of terrorism
Angelique Chrisafis
in Paris
Thursday 24 December
2015 15.05 GMT
François Hollande
has been accused of betraying the values of the left and the French
Republic by pressing ahead with plans to strip French citizenship
from dual-nationality citizens who are convicted of terrorism.
The threat to revoke
nationality was a central plank of the French president’s hardline
“war” speech to a joint session of parliament in Versailles days
after the Paris attacks in November.
It has proved
popular with the public – one poll last month showed that 94% of
French people approved of the proposal. But Hollande’s critics say
the measure would have little practical effect in dissuading
terrorists and risks stigmatising people further by creating the
symbolic idea of a two-tier French state where certain citizens are
worth more than others.
This week it was
thought that the measure had been abandoned amid fierce criticism
from historians and commentators and dissent within the Socialist
party. But on Wednesday the Socialist prime minister, Manuel Valls,
announced that the government would press on, saying the measure was
a “heavy sanction” that could legitimately be used against those
who “betrayed” the state by taking up arms against fellow
citizens. It will now be debated in February.
Jacques Toubon, a
former centre-right justice minister who is now the French
constitutional ombudsman for citizens’ rights, warned against “a
fundamental division of French people into two categories, against
the spirit and letter of the French constitution”.
On the left, the
justice minister, Christiane Taubira, suggested this week that the
measure would be shelved, telling Algerian radio it “posed a
fundamental problem in terms of national rights by birthplace, to
which I am firmly attached”.
Anne Hidalgo, the
Socialist mayor of Paris, tweeted her strong opposition to the
measure, saying it would “bring nothing to the fight against
Stripping criminals
of French nationality has been championed for years by the far-right
Front National, and was always criticised by the left. But the
Socialist president, seeking to show himself as strong and
uncompromising, sparked surprise when he vowed to enshrine the
measure in the constitution as part of a wide-ranging amendment aimed
at stepping up the fight against terrorism. Several of the assailants
who took part in the recent Paris attacks were French by birth.
The notion of
stripping French nationality from dual citizens is a highly sensitive
issue in France. The foundation stone of the secular republic is that
all citizens should be equal and free from distinctions of race,
class or religion. But the rise of the far-right and the growing
political emphasis on national identity has led to an increasingly
tense atmosphere in which many French people whose families have
immigrant roots going back generations continue to feel discriminated
Because French
citizenship can be granted to those born on French soil, the country
has many dual citizens who also have citizenship of former French
colonies, often in north Africa. There are estimated to be about 3.3
million French people with a second nationality living in France.
Under current law,
only dual-national citizens who have been naturalised and acquired
French citizenship less than 10 years before a convicted crime can be
stripped of their French nationality, not those who are born French.
But Hollande’s government is seeking to extend this to stripping
nationality from all dual-national citizens convicted of terrorism,
including those who were born French.
Pascal Cherki, a
rebel within the Socialist party, said it was a far-right measure and
he could not see how the left could fight the far-right while
“appropriating measures from its programme”.
Eva Joly, a
high-profile former fraud prosecutor and Green party figure who has
dual nationality, said: “It’s a measure with no practical
significance that will not combat terrorism. It’s purely symbolic
and political. It’s revolting; I see it as a way to divide French
people and sacrifice our values.”
The measure will be
part of the government’s package of proposals to be enshrined in
the constitution – including emergency security powers such as
house arrests and the right to raid houses without judicial
oversight. Approval requires a three-fifths majority of both houses
of parliament, and so will need the support of the right, which is
largely in favour.
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