quinta-feira, 14 de maio de 2015

Theresa May: economic migrants fleeing across Mediterranean should be returned to Africa / EDITORIAL / PÚBLICO Obstáculos a caminho e no regresso da Líbia

Mrs May said that sent the wrong message to the people smugglers who took advantage of those seeking to better themselves.
“What we see is that a lot of people coming are economic migrants, but they are paying criminal gangs to transport them across Africa.
Obstáculos a caminho e no regresso da Líbia

O plano de Juncker e de Mogherini para conter as redes de imigração terá de passar por três obstáculos
São duas formas de atacar o problema; uma na origem e outra à chegada. É assim que o plano de Juncker pretende travar a tragédia dos milhares de migrantes que todos os dias se aventuram em embarcações frágeis no Mediterrâneo para tentar chegar à Europa, na maioria usando a Líbia como porto de embarque. Este ano estima-se que já tenham morrido já mais de 1600 pessoas, quase tantos como os 1750 que perderam a vida no ano passado.

A Comissão Juncker está a ensaiar ideias válidas, mas infelizmente há obstáculos que parecem quase intransponíveis. Federica Mogherini, a alta-representante para a política externa, está por estes dias a bater à porta de todos os países do Conselho de Segurança da ONU, mas já se percebeu que a Rússia poderá ser um obstáculo difícil de transpor. Sobretudo depois de o The Guardian ter noticiado que as missões aéreas e marítimas na Líbia para desmantelar as redes de tráfico humano poderão também envolver tropas no terreno.

E aqui avista-se o segundo grande obstáculo que são as próprias milícias e governos (a Líbia tem dois) locais que já vieram dizer que vão ripostar contra qualquer acção militar externa. Isto apesar de Mogherini ter dito que a União quer agir “em parceria” com as autoridades de Trípoli. O problema é que hoje não existe uma autoridade na Líbia.

O terceiro grande obstáculo do plano de Juncker é composto por uma frente de países como a Irlanda, a Hungria, a Eslováquia, a Estónia e com o Reino Unido à cabeça, que já se mostraram desconfortáveis com o sistema de quotas que está em estudo e que prevê a atribuição a cada Estado-membro de um determinado número de pedidos de asilo. São muitos obstáculos que vão testar o nível de coesão do projecto europeu e a capacidade diplomática do bloco para colocar países como a China e Rússia no mesmo barco humanitário.

Theresa May: economic migrants fleeing across Mediterranean should be returned to Africa
Home Secretary vows to crack down on ‘terrible callous trade in human beings’

By Rosa Prince, Online Political Editor, video source ITN9:19AM BST 13 May 2015

Theresa May has said economic migrants crossing the Mediterranean to seek better lives in Europe should be returned to Africa to thwart the “terrible callous trade in human beings”.
The Home Secretary suggested she wanted to remove the incentive for desperate Africans, and the people smugglers who take advantage of them, to put their lives at risk by boarding unseaworthy crafts.

Her words put her at odds with European Union officials, who have suggested that all of the thousands of people who have fled across the Mediterranean in recent weeks, often after hazardous journeys during which fellow travellers lost their lives, should be allowed to remain.

Economic migrants
Mrs May said that sent the wrong message to the people smugglers who took advantage of those seeking to better themselves.
She told Sky: “What we see is that a lot of people coming are economic migrants, but they are paying criminal gangs to transport them across Africa.
“These criminals are then putting them into vessels which they know very often are not seaworthy, where people’s lives are being put at risk.

Mrs May denied that her suggestion was hard-hearted, saying that Britain was taking action to help those who got into difficulties while crossing the Mediterranean.
She added that those who were fleeing violence in places like Syria would be treated differently to “the majority” of those arriving, who she said were often from nations such as Nigeria and Eritrea, where their lives were not at immediate risk
Mrs May went on: “Of course we as the United Kingdom are participating in search and rescue operations, to make sure people are not dying at seat, but we need to deal with these criminal gangs, we need to deal with this terrible callous trade in human beings.
“What we’re seeing lying behind a lot of these people coming to Europe is this terrible trade in human beings.
“There are criminals who are making money, making a profit, out of people’s aspirations and doing so in a way where they know they know these people’s lives will be put at risk.
“I think that is a terrible trade and I think we need to ensure that criminals are not able to ply this business any longer.”
Anna Musgrave, of the Refugee Council, said: “Sadly, the British Government appears oblivious to the fact that the world is in the grip of the greatest refugee crisis in recent memory.
“The Home Secretary’s sweeping judgement that people arriving on Europe’s shores from some of the world’s biggest refugee producing countries are economic migrants is utterly startling.
“The Government’s choice is simple, yet historic. Will we turn our back on the world’s refugees, or will we live up to our proud tradition of offering some of the most vulnerable people in the world safety in Britain?”

How many asylum seekers does the UK accept?
Data compiled by Eurostat, the European Commission’s own statistics agency, showed Britain gave asylum protection to 14,065 people in 2014, while other large European states accepted just a few hundred each.
Britain’s intake was the fifth largest in the EU. Germany took the most at more than 47,500, followed by Sweden with 33,000, while France and Italy granted protection to about 20,600 each.
Spain, one of the more populous countries in the EU with 46 million people, gave asylum to just 1,600 asylum applicants last year and Poland – with a population of 38 million – took just 740.

Ireland took 495 while Portugal’s figure was 40, down from 135 the previous year.
Britain’s intake comprised 2,275 Eritreans, 1,650 Iranians and 1,455 Syrians. Syrians made up 37 per cent of all European asylum beneficiaries.
How many EU workers now live here?
Data from the Office for National Statistics revealed 1.95 million people born in the 27 other EU member states were working here in the first quarter of this year.

In the same period just four years ago the figure was almost half a million fewer.

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