segunda-feira, 3 de outubro de 2016

Trump campaign faces biggest crisis yet after tax documents published / Prejuízos de milhões permitiram a Trump evitar pagamento de impostos

Prejuízos de milhões permitiram a Trump evitar pagamento de impostos
RITA SIZA 02/10/2016 – 14:14

Jornal The New York Times obteve documentos fiscais que sugerem que o candidato republicano à Casa Branca aproveitou expediente legal para não pagar nada ao fisco durante 18 anos.

Documentos fiscais obtidos pelo jornal The New York Times, relativos às declarações apresentadas por Donald Trump às autoridades de Nova Iorque, Nova Jérsia e Connecticut, no ano de 1995, mostram que o agora candidato do Partido Republicano à Casa Branca pediu isenção do pagamento de impostos após a declarar prejuízos de 916 milhões de dólares nos seus negócios – um expediente legal que lhe permitiu evitar quaisquer contribuições para o fisco durante pelo menos 18 anos.

A partir de documentos que lhe chegaram através de um “whistleblower” e que correspondem apenas às folhas de rosto com o resumo das declarações entregues aos serviços fiscais estaduais de três estados, o diário nova-iorquino compôs um retrato parcial da relação do magnata do imobiliáriocom o fisco. As declarações, onde constam o nome e número de segurança social de Trump e da sua mulher, e a sua assinatura, foram autenticadas pelo seu antigo advogado e contabilista, e depois estudadas por especialistas independentes: o cenário que descrevem parece confirmar a tese – avançada pela candidata democrata Hillary Clinton durante o primeiro debate presidencial – de que Trump não paga impostos.

De acordo com os especialistas, ao reportar quase mil milhões de dólares de prejuízos nas suas empresas em 1995, Donald Trump terá ficado isento do pagamento de impostos sobre um montante equivalente de rendimentos taxáveis até ao ano de 2013. Uma vez que não existem mais informações sobre as suas declarações de rendimentos, é impossível saber se o milionário continua a recorrer a esse expediente.

Quebrando uma tradição de décadas, o candidato republicano tem recusado divulgar as suas declarações fiscais (Mike Pence, o candidato republicano à vice-presidência, já tornou públicas as declarações de impostos dos últimos dez anos), alegando que os seus documentos estão “retidos” pelos serviços do IRS norte-americanos para uma vistoria. As autoridades já garantiram que tal não impede a sua divulgação voluntária. Pressionado por Hillary Clinton – que disponibilizou 40 anos de declarações –, o republicano disse que não pagava impostos porque era “esperto”.

Os documentos obtidos pelo New York Times foram reconhecidos como “cópias autênticas” dos registos oficiais por Jack Mitnick, o advogado e técnico oficial de contas que foi responsável pelas matérias fiscais de Trump durante 30 anos, até ao ano de 1995. “São legítimos”, garantiu. Depois de contactar Donald Trump por causa dos documentos, o diário recebeu uma carta do seu advogado, Marc Kasowitz, ameaçando o jornal com um processo por “publicação ilegal de registos” sem autorização.

Em comunicado, a campanha republicana escusou-se comentar a notícia, dizendo que o seu candidato “é um talentoso homem de negócios que tem o compromisso fiduciário com as suas empresas, a sua família e os seus empregados de não pagar mais impostos do que aqueles que a lei exige”. “Dito isto, Donald Trump pagou centenas de milhões de dólares em impostos federais, estaduais e municipais, impostos imobiliários, impostos sobre o consumo e impostos sobre os seus trabalhadores, além de contribuições de caridade muito consideráveis.”

Mais do que isso, a campanha garantiu que “Donald Trump conhece o código fiscal melhor do que qualquer pessoa que já se candidatou à presidência, e é o único que sabe como corrigi-lo”, dizia o comunicado. Um dos especialistas consultados pelo New York Times, Joel Rosenfeld, professor da New York University, concorda que o milionário soube “navegar” a legislação existente para, de forma totalmente legal, evitar o pagamento de impostos. “Ele obteve um tremendo benefício com toda a sua destruição [de valor]”, observou, referindo-se aos projectos empresariais falhados do magnata.

Segundo o diário, os prejuízos reportam-se à má gestão dos seus três casinos em Atlantic City, à sua entrada no ramo da aviação e à compra do Hotel Plaza em Nova Iorque.

Trump campaign faces biggest crisis yet after tax documents published
Republican threatens lawsuit as leaked returns fuel questions over business acumen – and suggest he may have been able to avoid income tax for years

Dan Roberts in Washington
Monday 3 October 2016 08.39 BST

Donald Trump was reeling from the biggest crisis of his campaign on Sunday, after the publication of documents suggesting the wealthy Republican nominee may have been able to escape paying income tax for nearly two decades.

In a direct challenge to his claim to be a successful businessman and a champion of America’s hard-working middle class, the anonymously leaked tax returns reveal how Trump used aggressive accounting tactics and the failure of several businesses to claim a loss of $916m in his 1995 personal filing.

Independent experts say under US rules, this could be large enough to legally shelter hundreds of millions in income from years of federal tax – despite Trump’s high-rolling lifestyle and criticism of others for avoiding tax.

Trump did not deny the damning conclusions drawn by the New York Times, which first received the filing in a manila envelope said to have been sent from inside Trump Tower. But he threatened to sue the newspaper for what he insisted was “illegally obtained” material.

“The only news here is that the more than 20-year-old alleged tax document was illegally obtained,” the campaign said in a statement, “a further demonstration that the New York Times, like establishment media in general, is an extension of the Clinton campaign, the Democratic party and their global special interests.”

The editor of the New York Times recently said he was prepared to risk prison to publish Trump’s hitherto secret tax returns. The Times pointed out in its report that the documents it had obtained did not suggest Trump had done anything illegal.

The veracity of the document was also confirmed by Trump’s former accountant, Jack Mitnick, who told the paper he had to manually input the figure in question because tax preparation software did not allow for nine-digit losses.

Instead, the Trump campaign embarked on a damage control exercise on Sunday, dispatching surrogates to television talk shows to argue that Trump was clever to exploit the painful collapse of his past business ventures, several of which defaulted on creditors by declaring bankruptcy.

“The reality is he’s a genius,” former New York mayor and Trump supporter Rudy Rudy Giuliani told NBC. “He did something we admire in America: he came back.” New Jersey governor Chris Christie also told Fox News Sunday the story was “very good” for the candidate as it showed “the genius of Donald Trump”.

The argument is consistent with an explanation given by the candidate himself, who claimed he was being “smart” when pressed by his rival, Hillary Clinton, on tax avoidance during their first presidential debate.

In 2012, Trump berated people who don’t pay tax payers, writing: “Half of Americans don’t pay income tax despite crippling govt debt”.

Yet the scale of the 1995 loss appears to confirm suggestions made by Democrats that Trump has refused to follow 40 years of tradition and publish his tax returns because they would show he didn’t pay any.

“Trump is a billion-dollar loser who won’t release his taxes because they’ll expose him as a spoiled, rich brat who lost the millions he inherited from his father,” Democratic Senate minority leader Harry Reid said on Sunday.

“Despite losing a billion dollars, Trump wants to reward himself with more tax breaks on inherited wealth while stiffing middle-class families who earn their paychecks with hard work.”

The revelations follow a poor debate performance, sliding poll numbers and a week of distracting arguments with a former Miss Universe winner, whom Trump had called “Miss Piggy” in the 1990s. On Friday Trump falsely accused her of having a “sex tape” only hours before reporters found he had made a cameo in a Playboy video.

Many such embarrassments have failed to dent Trump’s popularity in the past, but the tax question goes to the heart of his claim to represent struggling US workers.

Trump has proposed a tax plan that would cut taxes for all Americans, but analysis by the conservative Tax Foundation found it would disproportionately help the richest Americans, saving them millions.

“You have middle-class people working longer hours for low wages, they pay their taxes,” said Senator Bernie Sanders, whose battle against Clinton for the Democratic nomination drew on similar anger over inequality.

“They support their schools, they support their infrastructure, they support the military, but the billionaires, no, they don’t have to do that because they have their friends on Capitol Hill. They pay zero in taxes,” Sanders told ABC on Sunday.

“So Trump goes around and says, ‘Hey, I’m worth billions, I’m a successful businessman, but I don’t pay any taxes, but you, you who earn 15 bucks an hour, you pay the taxes. That’s why people are angry and want real change in this country.”

In a statement, Trump’s campaign defended his record, saying he “is a highly-skilled businessman who has a fiduciary responsibility to his business, his family and his employees to pay no more tax than legally required”.

“That being said, Mr Trump has paid hundreds of millions of dollars in property taxes, sales and excise taxes, real estate taxes, city taxes, state taxes, employee taxes and federal taxes, along with very substantial charitable contributions.”

The campaign offered no specifics about how much Trump may have paid in these taxes, or when.

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