quarta-feira, 27 de novembro de 2019

Trees in the Amazon are the world's sweat glands – and 10 other essential climate facts

Trees in the Amazon are the world's sweat glands – and 10 other essential climate facts
I interviewed 31 climate experts and found that talking about the climate crisis can have a powerful impact

Ariel Conn
Wed 27 Nov 2019 12.00 GMTLast modified on Wed 27 Nov 2019 17.38 GMT

Rio Manu, home to arguably the highest concentration of biodiversity on Earth, in southeastern Peru. Taken November 4, 1971.
BNX547 Rio Manu, home to arguably the highest concentration of biodiversity on Earth, in southeastern Peru. Taken November 4, 1971.
 ‘The Amazon rainforest is not the world’s lungs; it’s our sweat glands.’ Photograph: Stock Connection Blue / Alamy/Alamy

You will not be surprised to learn that the climate crisis is a big and complicated problem. But when I started Not Cool, a Climate Podcast, I honestly hoped that if I could just talk with a few climate experts, we could clarify the facts and outline straightforward solutions. Thirty-one experts and 26 interviews later, I realize how mistaken I was, with more questions now than when I started. But I’ve also learned some amazing facts about how nature works, how humans work, and how to start addressing this crisis.

1) Zoning laws save lives
Zoning laws might seem inconsequential, but they can also save lives. The deadly fire in Paradise, California, and the flooding from Hurricane Harvey were as much about lax zoning laws as they were about extreme events caused by climate breakdown. Regardless of how quickly we bring down our emissions, we have some warming already locked in, which means there will be more fires, hurricanes and rising sea levels. Zoning laws help people stay safe in more extreme and frequent disasters.

2) Cement is killing the planet
Integral to our zoning laws are the building materials we use. Cement, for example, accounts for approximately 8-10% of all global carbon emissions. Roughly half of those emissions come from the carbon removed during the process of making cement, while the other half result from the energy required to make cement. Steel poses similar problems. Ironically, these carbon-emitting materials are often used in climate change adaptation solutions like sea walls.

3) We need more mangroves
Fortunately, nature provides incredible tools for addressing and adapting to climate change. Mangroves – essentially forests that grow along coastlines – are near magical solutions that came up in multiple interviews. They help prevent erosion and protect coastal regions from waves and rising sea levels. The trees are a haven for biodiversity, which could be partly why coral reefs seem to thrive in their presence. And mangroves also sequester a lot of carbon, which can help address both global heating and ocean acidification – an effect of the increased carbon in the oceans.

4) Healthy oceans absorb carbon
Our oceans take in a shocking amount of carbon – about 25% to 30% of all emissions. We can thank our oceans for ensuring that climate breakdown isn’t worse, but that also means that ocean acidification is a huge problem, especially in polar regions where the colder water absorbs more gas. Though some people hope technical solutions like geoengineering could help address global heating, these won’t help ocean acidification.

5) Forget geoengineering – we have forests
There are two types of geoengineering, more accurately known as climate engineering. One highly contentious method involves injecting particulates, such as sulfur aerosols, into the sky to minimize solar radiation and decrease temperatures. The problem with this approach is that if countries disagree about optimal global temperatures, we can’t just suddenly stop the geoengineering systems, as this would cause global temperatures to rise quickly and dramatically. But if left unaddressed, serious international disagreement could lead to war. The other – far less contentious – geoengineering option involves pulling carbon out of the atmosphere. Though technologies for this exist, they’re not yet affordable or scaleable. But nature could again help here, as more forests could absorb more carbon, cooling the Earth.

6) The trees in the Amazon are the world’s … sweat glands?
The Amazon rainforest is not the world’s lungs; it’s our sweat glands. Most of the oxygen we breathe actually comes from marine organisms like phytoplankton (another reason to be grateful for oceans). Instead, forests are useful because they pull moisture from the soil and expel it through their leaves, cooling the Earth just as sweat cools our bodies. So not only are forests vitally important for reabsorbing the carbon we emit, they also decrease temperatures. Unfortunately, many forests – especially the Amazon – face deforestation. Some researchers fear that if even 25% to 30% of the Amazon rainforest is cut down, the loss of moisture could change its basic makeup, transforming it from a rainforest to a savanna. This threat remains speculative, but is it possible we’ve already passed other critical tipping points?

7) Humans might be reaching a climate tipping point … and that’s a good thing
Climate systems like to be in equilibrium. If we push them out of equilibrium, past their tipping points, we could trigger feedback loops and exacerbate global warming. For the most part, these are considered future threats, so it was disconcerting to learn that we may have already tipped the West Antarctic Ice Sheet into a state of irreversible melting. If that’s the case, we can expect ocean levels to rise even more than predicted with current warming levels. On the other hand, many of the experts I spoke with also hope we may be on the verge of a human tipping point. As many pointed out, past cultural shifts happened slowly, then suddenly. If climate crisis awareness and concern increase at their current pace, we may yet be able to make the changes necessary to ward off the worst climate threats.

8) The scientific consensus around climate change matters
Perhaps one sign that we’re nearing a human tipping point is the incredible scientific consensus surrounding climate change. I didn’t formerly care that 97% of climate scientists agree about climate change. I cared about the actual scientific studies that clearly show the Earth is warming. But consensus is more relevant than I realized. First, this level of scientific consensus doesn’t occur unless the science is really robust. Second, most people don’t have time to read all of the science. They have to put their trust in experts, and when 97% of experts say something is true, the public typically listens. The problem is that many people don’t realize how strong climate consensus is.

 Perhaps the most important thing to know about the climate crisis is that solutions exist. It’s political will we lack

9) Talking about climate change is powerful
Talking about the climate crisis can have a powerful impact. Just talking more can help address confusion about climate facts and help us all realize that public consensus regarding climate change is quite broad. This doesn’t mean quoting climate science to your conservative uncle at a holiday dinner. You could have a conversation about the money you saved by getting an electric car or bike, or that you want solar panels because they make you more self-sufficient and will save you money in the long run.

10) Switching your bank could be the most green thing you ever do
Looking for another easy way to address the climate emergency? Talk to your bank. Many banks help fund the fossil fuel industry, and if yours is doing so, you can switch to a bank or credit union that doesn’t. As an individual, you can and should vote – but while we wait for better climate policies, moving your money could be one of the most impactful actions you can take to de-fund the fossil fuel industry. Fun statistic: people are more likely to leave their spouse than their banks.

Perhaps the most important thing to know about the climate crisis is that solutions exist. It is political will we lack. Many people worry about convincing climate deniers that climate breakdown is real, but deniers make up a very small percentage of the population. Our real focus should be on convincing those in power that the majority of us want to see strong political action. That happens when we talk to each other, when we talk to our representatives, and when we talk to our financial institutions. Individual climate action is critical, but this is ultimately a societal problem, and the solution must be societal as well.

Ariel Conn is the host of Not Cool, a Climate Podcast, the former director of communications and outreach for the Future of Life Institute, and the founder of Mag10 Media, an organization dedicated to improving science communication

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