domingo, 26 de abril de 2020

Amsterdam wants to give the city centre back to Amsterdammers

Until recently unthinkable: an empty Dam.

Amsterdam wants to give the city centre back to Amsterdammers

While the fight against the coronavirus is still raging, the Centre district, the city marketing, catering and institutions behind the scenes are in talks about a new start for the amsterdam city centre after the crisis.

Michiel Couzy
26 april 2020, 7:00

"We don't want the nuisance of tourists back," says Geerte  Udo, director of  Amsterdam&partners, the organisation that provides city marketing. The talks are about the opportunities that the corona crisis offers to give the city centre back to Amsterdammers and to work on 'sustainable tourism'.

"We need to get this momentum. I really hope that flat consumerism has disappeared from tourism when this is over."

Too dependent on tourism
The corona crisis makes it clear that the inner city has become too dependent on tourism. Now that the visitors are no longer coming, the streets are extinct and the economy is at a standstill. Despite all the misery, the corona crisis also offers a great opportunity for the city centre, says planner Zef  Hemel, who developed a vision of the future for this part of the city on behalf of Mayor Femke Halsema. "Humanity has returned, now we have to entice Amsterdammers to go back to the city centre," he says.

De Wallen
District Chairman Mascha ten Bruggencate:"We are trying to make the city centre fun for the whole of Amsterdam. And yes, we are now taking two steps forward."

After the previous recession, Amsterdam was fully committed to tourism, which had to get the economy back on track. But it soon got out of hand with the rise of budget flights, economic growth in China and India, and the international appeal of the Red Light District and the coffee shops. Amsterdam, especially the city centre, was flowing.

The urban marketing new style is working on a new reputation for Amsterdam, which has to attract tourists who do not cause any inconvenience. The marketing also focuses on Amsterdammers. "It would be nice if the residents appreciate their own city and center more when this crisis is over," udo said.

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