quinta-feira, 1 de fevereiro de 2024

BREAKING: Police release image of London chemical attack suspect / Police are looking for 35-year-old Abdul Ezedi last seen in north London

From 41m ago

13.46 GMT



Police are looking for 35-year-old Abdul Ezedi last seen in north London

Supt Gabriel Cameron, attached to Lambeth police station, has just given an update to press gathered at the area in Clapham.


He described the chemical assault last night in Clapham as “horrific” and gave further details on the man police are looking for: a 35-year-old named Abdul Ezedi. Cameron said Ezedi was with the woman and children attacked last night but had left the scene. Ezedi was last seen in Caledonian Road, north London, he added.


“He has significant injuries to the right side of his face,” Cameron said. He urged: “If you see him … I plead [you] to not approach him. Call 999.”


Cameron has also confirmed that police will circulate photographs of Ezedi later. If anyone has any information, dashcam or doorbell footage, a number has been shared that will go straight to his officers, said Cameron. It is 02071 752784. Crimestoppers can also be contacted on 101.

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