quarta-feira, 22 de julho de 2020

Staring down defeat, Trump attempts a coronavirus reset / Trump shifts messaging: Coronavirus ‘will get worse before it gets better’

Staring down defeat, Trump attempts a coronavirus reset

The president’s about-face replaced his dismissive tone about the pandemic with a stark new warning and a mostly disciplined message — for now.

07/21/2020 09:07 PM EDT

A month ago, he insisted the novel coronavirus was “dying out” in the U.S. As the pandemic overwhelmed huge swaths of the nation, he maintained the threat was “fading away.” Health officials across the nation begged him for more attention on the widening health crisis — and he wanted little to do with them.

On Tuesday, President Donald Trump flipped his script with a grim new assessment of the global pandemic — and at last applied an approach that aides implored him to take earlier in his pandemic response.

Compared to previous disorderly spectacles that sometimes exceeded two hours, Trump’s appearance at a White House lectern on Tuesday hinted that significant changes are underway as he and his aides refocus their attention on the No. 1 threat standing between them and a second term. The format of the briefing — a mostly scripted, solo Trump — also suggested a detente was reached among opposing White House factions that spent the past few weeks clashing over the role their embattled boss should play in responding to the alarming resurgence of Covid-19 in southern and southwestern states.

A senior administration official said Trump’s relatively disciplined performance was likely to neutralize objections that some aides had raised in recent days over allowing him to participate in televised coronavirus updates. White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, along with senior adviser Jared Kushner and top officials on the president's reelection campaign, had previously urged him to tether his reelection message to the economy and other issues instead of constantly dwelling on the deadly virus.

Instead, after weeks of pressuring schools to commit to reopening and touting his plan to reboot the U.S. economy, Trump vowed on Tuesday to pursue a “very powerful strategy” to contain the virus and ensure rapid distribution of the first available vaccine. Despite some Trumpian flourishes — he repeatedly referred to it as the “China virus” and claimed other countries are begging the U.S. for assistance — the president managed to stick to the subject matter at hand, warning that the spike in cases “will probably, unfortunately, get worse before it gets better,” and encouraging young Americans to avoid bars and wear protective masks when necessary.

It was a message even his strongest supporters were hoping to see after weeks of watching Trump dodge or downplay a threat that’s consuming states critical to his reelection in just over 100 days.

“President Trump provided an important reality check about Covid-19,” said Alfredo Ortiz, chief executive of the Job Creators Network and a member of the president’s “Latinos for Trump” campaign coalition, in a statement following the briefing.

Trump’s renewed participation in updates on the virus came as his administration grapples with a Covid-19 resurgence that has eroded months of progress, and increased demands from state officials for a straightforward national strategy. Since Trump’s last appearance at a briefing for the coronavirus task force in late April, confirmed cases of the deadly virus have increased nearly fourfold in the U.S. while deaths have surpassed 140,000.

Initially, Trump dismissed the alarming case spikes as the result of increased testing. As hospitalization rates ticked upward in numerous states earlier this month, he claimed during a July 4 speech that “99 percent” of Covid-19 infections are “totally harmless” — a statement that roiled some members of the administration’s own task force and ran counter to scientific evidence suggesting more serious risks. But a shift in rhetoric among prominent Republicans, along with pressure from Vice President Mike Pence and top health officials, forced Trump and his inner circle to reevaluate their approach to the coronavirus messaging.

“The China virus is a vicious and dangerous illness,” Trump said Tuesday, joined only by his press secretary and a dozen reporters in the briefing room. “Some areas of our country are doing well; others are doing less well.”

“My administration will stop at nothing to save lives and shield the vulnerable, which is so important,” he added.

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Rather than limiting his engagement on coronavirus to boost the time he spends on more politically expedient topics, Trump and his aides are now expected to refocus his attention to the global pandemic and the next economic relief package currently underway on Capitol Hill.

“So we’ll be doing these quite often. We’re going to keep you abreast of this and we’ll also talk about some of the other topics like our economy, which is doing well,” Trump said at the conclusion of his appearance on Tuesday.

Ahead of the news conference, a second administration official said the president was likely to make weekly appearances in the briefing room or Rose Garden to update the public on the pandemic, the development of a Covid-19 vaccine and other efforts to reboot the economy and reopen educational and childcare facilities.

The expected increase in Trump’s official appearances is not without risk.

White House aides and Trump’s campaign team put an end to his daily coronavirus updates earlier this spring after they devolved into rambling news conferences replete with erroneous health claims, false statements about testing and therapy treatments, along with backbiting insults toward governors who implemented strict stay-at-home orders, criticized the administration’s response or, in the unusual case of Georgia’s Republican Gov. Brian Kemp, reopened non-essential industries too quickly.

Multiple polls conducted in late April, near the end of Trump’s briefing run, found growing levels of distrust in the president as a reliable source of information on the pandemic.

Some White House allies urged Trump ahead of his Tuesday appearance to employ a different format this time around — one where he avoids skirmishes with reporters, shows empathy and provides clear examples of how his administration is dealing with the devastating public health crisis.

“Talk personally. Show you care,” tweeted Ari Fleischer, press secretary to President George W. Bush, adding that the resurrected briefings are “a mistake” for the incumbent Republican president.

Whether Trump will continue to heed the advice of Fleischer or others in his orbit remains unclear; the president has repeatedly veered back into his undisciplined approaches, just as he did in March even after winning a moment of praise for a more somber tone about the crisis.

During an Oval Office photo op on Monday, he cast the string of briefings he participated in earlier this year as “very successful” despite their overlap with steep declines in both his approval rating and voter confidence in his handling of the novel coronavirus.

“I was doing them and we had a lot of people watching, record numbers watching in the history of cable television… And we were doing very well,” he said.

At the time, many of the administration’s allies worried that Trump was overexposing himself to voters. Recognizing their boss’s proclivity for exaggerated statements and heated exchanges with the press, the briefings left several White House officials on edge – wondering which comment or critique would generate the next news cycle and whether it would further impair his bid for a second term. Some of the briefings surpassed two hours and featured contradicting information from the president and health officials.

When Trump took the podium on Tuesday, it was clear aides had persuaded him to strike a different tone. The president, who has struggled to define his 2020 opponent or outline a convincing message for reelection, veered off track only once to address a question about the recent arrest of Ghislaine Maxwell, an associate of convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, who died by apparent suicide while in federal custody last summer.

“I haven’t really been following it too much. I just wish her well, frankly. I’ve met her numerous times over the years, especially since I lived in Palm Beach and I guess they lived in Palm Beach,” he said.

The brief response was a reminder of the risks associated with Trump’s return to the briefing room, where his previous willingness to participate in hour-long grillings generated unflattering news cycles for his administration.

The president took 16 questions on Tuesday and was in and out of the cramped room in less than a half hour, a development that one of the administration officials described as “a step in the right direction.”

Trump shifts messaging: Coronavirus ‘will get worse before it gets better’

In the first such briefing in three months, the president acknowledged the real scope of the pandemic’s impact in the U.S.

07/21/2020 06:43 PM EDT
Updated: 07/21/2020 07:47 PM EDT

President Donald Trump on Tuesday diverged from his upbeat and dismissive rhetoric about the threat of Covid-19 during his first coronavirus briefing in nearly three months, exercising discipline as he read largely from a script and acknowledging the real scope of the virus as cases and fatalities climb to record levels across the country.

Speaking alone from the lectern in the White House briefing room, Trump issued one of his strongest pleas yet for Americans to wear face masks, and acknowledged that the pandemic “will get worse before it gets better” — an admission that comes as approval for his handling of the pandemic and his job approval in general have plummeted and put him in the position of underdog less than four months from Election Day.

Still, six months after the virus was first diagnosed on U.S. shores, Trump asserted that his administration was “in the process of developing a strategy” to eradicate the virus, after months of casting the U.S. response as one of the best in the world.

Trump’s shift in tone, along with the return of the coronavirus briefing, comes as the latest surge in cases has become impossible to ignore. Close to 4 million Americans have contracted the virus, though data from the CDC indicates the true number of infections could be 10 times greater.

His comments also come as the country returned to another grim milestone, recording more than 1,000 daily deaths from the coronavirus for the first time since May.

Confirmed U.S. Cases: 3,897,465 | U.S. Deaths: 141,972

“As one family, we mourn every precious life that’s been lost,” Trump said at the beginning of prepared remarks, one of the most specific acknowledgments in some time of the more than 140,000 Americans killed by the virus. The president pledged to develop a vaccine for the virus “in their honor,” though he later reverted to his insistence that the pathogen would one day just disappear.

The president touted progress on the developments of coronavirus therapies, including the antiviral medication remdesivir, which he said had “significantly reduced the severity and duration of the disease.” The government is rationing its limited supplies of the drug, however.

Notably absent from Trump’s speech was any mention of the malaria drug hydroxychloroquine, which he has repeatedly touted as a treatment for Covid-19the disease caused by the coronavirus. It has been proven ineffective against the virus in multiple clinical trials, and can cause heart problems.

Trump also repeated promises that a coronavirus vaccine is on the way, but his own health officials have been cautious not to make promises about a specific timeline for an effective vaccine.

There are a number of potential vaccine candidates currently in trials. One candidate developed by Moderna in partnership with the National Institutes of Health is expected to enter the final stage of human trials at the end of the month.

Still, the president’s briefing was a dramatic departure from just weeks ago when he sought to claim that 99 percent of coronavirus cases were “totally harmless” (on Tuesday, he described the virus as “vicious and dangerous”), equivocated on the issue of wearing masks in public to cut down transmission (Trump said at the White House that “whether you like the mask or not, they have an impact”) and played down soaring case numbers as small "embers" of outbreaks resulting from more testing and as a byproduct of reopening the economy.

As Trump stuck largely to his script, he spoke Tuesday of a “concerning rise” in cases and for the most part steered clear of some of the more striking proclamations that led the once-daily briefings to be canceled in the first place — including his suggestion that experts look into injecting disinfectants as a potential treatment.

For the most part, Trump ditched the hyperbole that would often need to be cleaned up moments later by Dr. Deborah Birx, the White House coronavirus response coordinator; Dr. Anthony Fauci, the head of National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases; or Vice President Mike Pence.

He even appeared to acknowledge shortcomings in U.S. testing capabilities, promising that his administration was “working to reduce turnaround time” as governors across the nation complain about a lack of testing supplies and delayed results of sometimes a week or more that undermine the notion of contact tracing.

At the same time, he claimed that the White House “currently has zero … unfulfilled requests for equipment or anything else that they need from the governors.”

Trump kept things relatively short, with Tuesday’s briefing clocking in at just 26 minutes, compared with rambling sessions earlier this year that could last 90 minutes to two hours.

It’s unclear whether Trump, who has long struggled with consistency and message discipline, will be able to maintain even the small shift he demonstrated on Tuesday. But the return of the briefing and the uncharacteristic discipline come amid numerous warning signs that his reelection campaign is in trouble.

Polling has consistently shown Trump trailing his likely Democratic rival, former Vice President Joe Biden, by double digits nationally. Polling in critical swing states and even traditionally red states alike has also shown Trump in perilous territory.

All the while, Trump’s approval rating has tanked, as the president has been kept off the campaign trail by the virus. When he held his first rally in months last month in Tulsa, Okla., less than half the stadium was full. The campaign canceled what would have been Trump’s second rally several weeks ago, citing a nearby tropical storm. And Trump last week set in motion a major campaign shake-up, demoting his campaign manager and naming a new one heading into the final months of the campaign.

Trump’s poll numbers and the spike in cases also coincided with a greater willingness from close allies to buck his rosy pronouncements about the virus as the situation on the ground back home grew more dire — some criticized testing, others bristled at threats to cut off federal funding to schools that don’t reopen for in-person instruction, and still others pleaded with the president to take a stronger position in favor of wearing face coverings.

The new tone appeared to also extend to reporters, with whom the president was less combative than usual on Tuesday, even as he deflected on a question about whether voters should make November’s election a referendum on his handling of the outbreak.

And Trump didn’t mention Joe Biden, whose name gets worked into nearly every public address the president makes.

Still, when asked about his change in tone, Trump again insisted that coronavirus “will disappear,” and that he had never disagreed with scientists’ recommendations on social distancing, despite an aggressive push for the country to reopen, including, in the coming weeks, schools.

And he continued to hold up U.S. testing as unrivaled when pressed by reporters about his administration’s attempt to block Congress from providing more money for coronavirus testing and tracing in its next relief package.

The president said he would be briefed on the issue at some point, while maintaining that the country was processing “massive” numbers of tests.

“I think we are doing tremendous amounts of testing, but if the doctors and the professionals feel that even though we are at a level that nobody ever dreamt possible that they would like to do more, I'm OK with it,” he said.

Trump ended the briefing by teasing more of them, but he indicated that they could, as past briefings had, veer away from the subject of coronavirus and touch on topics perceived to be more helpful to his reelection prospects.

“We will keep you abreast of this and talk about other topics like the economy, which is doing well,” he said, noting that “the stock market had another good day” and attributing that to the “positive things happening on this front.”

Brianna Ehley contributed to this report.

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