terça-feira, 7 de abril de 2020

EU budget won’t be corona-era Marshall Plan / Decision day


EU budget won’t be corona-era Marshall Plan

Leaders’ comparison with post-war recovery program is largely misplaced, experts and officials say.

By LILI BAYER 4/6/20, 7:02 PM CET Updated 4/7/20, 9:34 AM CET

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has repeatedly said Europe needs a new Marshall Plan to tackle the coronavirus crisis

Don't count on a new Marshall Plan to save the EU.

In recent days, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has repeatedly said Europe needs a new Marshall Plan to tackle the coronavirus crisis, with the EU's next long-term budget at its heart.

But while invoking the massive U.S.-financed program to lift Europe from the ashes of World War II may help von der Leyen convey the scale of the challenge she believes the Continent now faces, comparisons between the Marshall Plan and the EU budget are otherwise misplaced, according to experts and officials.

For one thing, the cash for any new "Marshall Plan" would have to come from European governments themselves. For another, the EU budget is much smaller as a proportion of the European economy than the post-war aid provided by the United States. And the bulk of EU budget funds are allocated to existing programs, such as agricultural subsidies and regional development spending.

To turn the EU's Multiannual Financial Framework into a true Marshall Plan 2.0, the Commission would have to propose — and the EU's national leaders would have to accept — a far bigger budget than anything previously suggested, along with a radical reworking of how the money is shared out. So far, there is no indication that anything that dramatic is being proposed or that it would be accepted.

The original Marshall Plan used grants to help revive production in Western European economies after World War II.

It's clear the EU budget will play some role in the economic strategy to tackle the crisis. But it's also clear that the response will come above all from massive spending by national governments and a €750 billion asset-buying program from the European Central Bank, as well as other EU programs, possibly including the eurozone's bailout fund and an unemployment reinsurance scheme proposed by the Commission last week.

Still, however, politicians can't resist reaching for the comparison with the European Recovery Program — popularly known as the Marshall Plan, after U.S. Secretary of State George C. Marshall.

European Council President Charles Michel talked just a couple of weeks back about “what I call a Marshall Plan-like stimulus strategy."

Question of scale
The original Marshall Plan used grants to help revive production in Western European economies that had been devastated by World War II.

The assistance was to be accomplished by "promoting industrial and agricultural production," as well as "furthering the restoration or maintenance of the soundness of European currencies, budgets, and finances" and "facilitating and stimulating the growth of international trade of participating countries with one another and with other countries by appropriate measures including reduction of barriers which may hamper such trade," according the 1948 U.S. Economic Cooperation Act.

The Marshall Plan came with some strings attached. "European integration was a primary requirement," said Benn Steil, a senior fellow and director of international economics at the Council on Foreign Relations think tank, who wrote a book on the Marshall Plan. A key condition was that Communist parties could not take part in coalition governments in recipient countries. "The U.S. made clear that they would cut Marshall aid if the Communists were ever allowed back in power," Steil said.

That's one difference between the Marshall Plan and any attempt to revive the European economy via the EU budget. But there's also a significant difference between the scope of the original Marshall Plan, which provided assistance to 16 countries between 1948 and 1952, and the next long-term EU financial framework, which is set to run between 2021 and 2027.

American assistance in 1948-1952 amounted on average to 2.6 percent of the economic output of recipient countries, according to Steil. In nominal terms, grants totalled $13.2 billion — 1.1 percent of U.S. output at the time, he noted.

American assistance in 1948-1952 amounted on average to 2.6 percent of the economic output of recipient countries | Edward Miller/Keystone/Getty Images

The European Commission's original proposal for the 2021-2027 EU budget, by contrast, was the equivalent of merely 1.11 percent of the bloc's Gross National Income (GNI), a measure of the size of the economy that includes output and other elements. And when EU leaders failed to agree on the budget at a summit in February, they were looking at a compromise of around 1.07 percent of GNI.

"The EU budget definitely is not big enough and won’t be big enough to be the main tool to tackle the economic crisis," one national official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said in a text message. "National fiscal stimulus (backed by actions from European Central Bank) is going to be key."

Politicians in Brussels are also skeptical.

"Of course, there is a need for a significant stronger EU response to the corona pandemic and its economic fall out," Johan Van Overtveldt, chair of the European Parliament's Committee on Budgets, wrote in a text message. "How can you do that with a budget amounting to more or less 1% of GDP??"

Experts agree that on its own, the EU budget won't be enough to address Europe's economic challenges.

"If the budget remains at its current order of magnitude, at 1 percent of GNI — and it is very hard to see how that would alter — and the traditional demands continue to be imposed, particularly for agriculture and cohesion policy, the margin for launching something massive is going to be pretty limited," Iain Begg, a professorial research fellow at the London School of Economics, said in a phone interview.

National priorities
Another major obstacle to von der Leyen's ambition is the willingness — and ability — of member countries to pay for a lot of new spending at EU level.

The bulk of EU budget spending comes from contributions from national treasuries, based on the size of their economies. French President Emmanuel Macron last month floated the idea of a bigger EU budget to address the crisis — but did not directly offer to pay more into the bloc's coffers. Other leaders have also thus far tiptoed around the politically charged question of how much money national capitals would have to transfer to the EU if the bloc opts for more ambitious recovery spending.

Many national leaders will also be wary of fueling anti-EU populism if they are accused of spending too much at a EU level at a time of acute need at home. Hélène Laporte, a member of the European Parliament from Marine Le Pen's National Rally, described a possible increase in the French contributions to the EU budget to help address the crisis as "madness."

Experts say that what Europe needs in the age of coronavirus is a blueprint that would ensure a Marshall Plan won't be needed in the future.

At the same time, many EU governments are unlikely to agree to cuts to traditionally major areas of EU spending that benefit them, like subsidies for farmers, in order to pay for the recovery.

"Every euro that is taken from a national finance ministry or a national tax base to give to the European level, is a euro that's no longer available to be spent on domestic recovery plans," said Begg. "And that's where I see a considerable risk of saying, 'why bother with the European level, because we're all dealing with our domestic levels.'"

The European Commission says it will present a revised budget proposal soon. But there's no sign it will include radical changes to the existing structure.

“There won’t be a completely new draft that will be changed from A to Z. Rather, there will be readjustments, especially in the area of investments," Michael Hager, chief of cabinet for Commission Executive Vice President and economic policy chief Valdis Dombrovskis, said last week.

New plan
Experts say that what Europe needs in the age of coronavirus is not the equivalent of the grants-based Marshall Plan, but rather a blueprint that would ensure a Marshall Plan won't be needed in the future.

Leaders today are "using the Marshall Plan really as shorthand for a lot of government spending," Steil said. "A lot of government spending will certainly be necessary, but the contours of that spending should be very different, because the circumstances are entirely different."

"In my view, the priority should be right now to stop a collapse in output capacity, both in the United States and Europe. I think it's critical to keep companies that are basically good and solvent alive ... so when the pandemic is finally wound down, we can revive production quickly," Steil said.

"We don't want to be in the position we were after World War II, when these economies were destroyed and we had to rebuild them. We want to make sure that these economies are not destroyed, that they are kept alive in the interim, and in many cases that means lending, not grants," he added.

The EU budget could play a role in generating some lending, following the model of its proposed InvestEU program, which brings together public and private investment by using cash from the budget as guarantees.

"Where I think there is scope for something a bit more imaginative is in a variation on the InvestEU," Begg said, adding that "you could see that there is a way to mobilize the conjunction of further quantitative easing [from the ECB], a new role for the European Stability Mechanism, the guarantees from the EU budget, to provide quite a substantial amount of loan finance, as opposed to grants."

That won't amount to a new Marshall Plan but that may not stop EU officials using the phrase.

One senior diplomat said he does not expect the next long-term budget to be "radical and revolutionary, but of course somebody can always label it 'Marshall.'"

Hans von der Burchard contributed reporting.

Decision day

By Sam Fleming, Mehreen Khan and Jim Brunsden
April 7, 2020

The eurozone faces a momentous decision about how far it is willing to go to unite in the economic battle against coronavirus.

Spain’s prime minister Pedro Sánchez has warned that nothing less than the future of the European project could be at stake in how that question is answered. EU economy commissioner Paolo Gentiloni pleaded with member states yesterday to forget their past fights and rally behind an ambitious plan.

Today’s meeting of EU finance ministers marks the true test of whether they can. But disagreement is rife and there is no simple way to paper over the cracks if the meeting fails.

On the table is a multipronged package of measures to support Europe’s economies in lockdown. Those hit hardest by the pandemic, such as Italy and Spain, argue that the proposals go nowhere near far enough.

Gentiloni, France and others want ministers to make progress on more ambitious plans to jointly issue debt, raising common funds for massive economic reconstruction. Northern member states led by Germany are deeply sceptical. While Italy still wants more, frugals like the Dutch think it is too much, too soon.

The eurogroup meeting will be considered a success if ministers can sign off on a report for EU leaders that backs a cluster of crisis-fighting measures while leaving the door open to more controversial joint fiscal efforts down the road.

It will be no easy feat as Mário Centeno, eurogroup president, seeks common ground among countries deeply divided over a recovery strategy. Here are the key flashpoints that could lead to a long night ahead:

European Stability Mechanism

Ministers want to unlock the lending power of the European Stability Mechanism, the bloc’s bailout fund, with a credit line of as much as €240bn that’s open to all countries.

Capitals have made some progress agreeing to more limited conditions attached to the cash. The loans will not include Greek-style Troika visits or “pre-legislation” to qualify for money. But Italy is still unconvinced by the merits of using an instrument that has become political poison at home over fears (denied by ministers) that the loans will come with draconian conditions attached.

Rome wants “light” or no conditions at all. Standing in the way are the Dutch, who want promises for future economic reforms once the emergency phase is over. For Italy, the bigger concern is that they will be fobbed off with the ESM and more ambitious debt mutualisation ideas are brushed aside.

Speaking at a press conference last night, Italian prime minister Giuseppe Conte said the ESM was an “absolutely inadequate” response. “ESM no, eurobonds absolutely yes,” he said.

Commission’s Sure fund

This will be the second contentious debate of the night. Last week, the European Commission put out its contribution to the emergency effort. Brussels wants to set up a fund — known as “Sure” — that provides loans to countries grappling with a sudden surge in spending on short-time working schemes. Brussels wants the power to tap markets to raise around €100bn, with governments pledging €25bn in guarantees.

Germany’s finance minister Olaf Scholz has given it his blessing, but the Dutch are proving harder to win over. The Hague is determined to prevent Sure becoming a precursor to a permanent EU unemployment scheme that has been mooted and shot down plenty of times before.

The Netherlands wants guarantees that the spending will be temporary and the fund will disappear along with the pandemic. The Dutch parliament has its first debate on the plans today. The tenor of the discussion will help determine how much wriggle room finance minister Wopke Hoekstra has to play with later.

Other corona-fighting tools

The Luxembourg-based European Investment Bank has already proposed a plan to mobilise as much as €40bn of financing. But states want to go further and are discussing a pan-European guarantee fund of €25bn that would leverage support of up to €200bn for small and medium-sized enterprises facing cash crunches because of the lockdowns.

Separately, by scraping the barrel of the EU budget, the European Commission has mustered around €2.7bn of funding for national healthcare systems. The money could be used for buying equipment, transporting supplies and constructing field hospitals.

One suggestion on the table is to merge this plan with a separate Dutch proposal to provide billions of euros in grants to countries that are hardest-hit by the health crisis. This would be achieved by inviting countries to voluntarily top up what is left in the EU budget.

Post-pandemic bazooka fund

Here is where the debate will be most intense and least conclusive. Italy, Spain, France and their “No Limits Nine” allies want ministers to open the door to common debt issuance aimed at sparking a strong recovery once the lockdown phase is over. Bruno Le Maire, French finance minister, thinks his version of the instrument can unleash around 3 per cent of the bloc’s gross domestic product — upwards of €350bn.

As Gentiloni put it in a live-stream Bruegel and the Financial Times yesterday, this joint response is crucial in helping prevent a two-stream European economy from emerging after the crisis: a stagnant south dragged down by debt and a fast-growing north that has the capacity to spend and save.

Italy’s Conte on Monday said eurobonds “are the solution, a serious, effective, adequate response to the emergency . . . The truth is that when you are defending your country you do not need to do sums.”

But for countries such as Germany, crisis-fighting proposals outlined above (ESM, Sure, etc) are enough to address the immediate challenge facing the continent. Berlin and its allies will resist anything that smacks of a step towards debt mutualisation for the time being. “Some countries want to add debt on to debt and use guarantees for even more debt,” said one sceptical EU diplomat.

At best, Centeno will be hoping to get a reference to the post-crisis plans in his planned report for EU27 leaders. It may be the key to unlocking Italy’s resistance over the ESM. But the path to a deal is narrowing. As the last weeks have shown, it may be up to Europe’s leaders, and not their finance minister deputies, to hammer it out.

With reporting from Guy Chazan in Berlin and Victor Mallet in Paris

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