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Book lifts lid on 'guerrilla warfare' against Pope Francis / VIDEO: Chats: Christopher Lamb: Author of The Outsider: Pope Francis and Hi...

Book lifts lid on 'guerrilla warfare' against Pope Francis

Writer says hardline cardinal Robert Sarah works to present an alternative leadership model, based on traditional teachings

Harriet Sherwood
Sun 5 Apr 2020 07.08 BST

Cardinal Robert Sarah, in St Peter's Square

An influential conservative cardinal has established himself as a “parallel authority” to Pope Francis, according to a new book that depicts the pontiff as a prophetic reformer who is surrounded by opponents waging “guerrilla warfare” against him.

Cardinal Robert Sarah, a prelate from Guinea who heads the Vatican’s liturgy department, has sought to present an alternative leadership model for the global Roman Catholic church, Christopher Lamb claims in The Outsider.

“Cardinal Sarah has established himself as a ‘parallel’ authority to Francis, through his books, lectures, and frequent travel to conservative outposts,” writes Lamb, Vatican correspondent for Catholic weekly magazine The Tablet for the past five years.

 “He does not directly confront or criticise the pope but [presents] an alternative leadership model for the church. Privately, he listens to the complaints about Francis; he shares some of the concerns, although is very careful in what he says. He doesn’t support the attacks, but neither does he do anything to stop them.”
The controversial book written by Cardinal Sarah with Pope Emeritus Benedict ‘combines a mystical spirituality with an unbending defence of traditional Catholic teaching’.

Sarah, who is frequently tipped as a potential successor to Francis, “combines a mystical spirituality with an unbending defence of traditional Catholic teaching. Were he elected pope, he would undoubtedly harken back to Pius XII, a neo-traditionalist who would ‘reign’ as pope rather than adopt the style of the Latin American [Francis], who rolls up his sleeves and takes risks to take the church out on to the street.”

The cardinal is described as “extraordinarily conservative” and “very uncomfortable” with women holding positions of authority in the church’s charitable network.

In January, Sarah co-authored, with the retired Pope Benedict a book called From the Depths of our Hearts, defending clerical celibacy just as Francis was considering easing that rule in the Amazon, where there is a shortage of priests. The book was seen as a challenge to Francis’s authority. He eventually decided against opening up the priesthood to married men.

Sarah has “developed a loyal following in conservative circles, particularly in the United States”, according to Lamb. His supporters include the Knights of Columbus, a multibillion-dollar US Catholic organisation.

Sarah has denied he is an opponent of Francis. “I am loyal to the pope. They cannot quote a word, a phrase, a gesture in which I oppose the pope, it is ridiculous,” he said last year. His spokesperson did not respond to the Observer’s request for comment.

 His supporters include the Knights of Columbus, a multibillion-dollar US Catholic organisation
Lamb’s book cites more than 100 instances of attacks on Francis’s papacy. Opposition to Francis is not just theological, but political, he writes. “Some in the church have entered into alliances with political figures, such as Steve Bannon, President Donald Trump’s former chief strategist, and Matteo Salvini, Italy’s [former] deputy prime minister, to try and thwart the pope. Francis, who has repeatedly urged the world to build bridges rather than walls, to push for dialogue and unity instead of division, has become a prime target for supporters of the Trumpian, populist politics gaining traction across Europe.”
Though Pope Francis remains one of the most popular figures in the world, his pontificate has stirred up powerful opposition. Some reject his merciful openness to divorced and remarried Catholics and the priority he places on mercy above rigid doctrine. Others reject his outspoken defense of migrants, his critiques of capitalism, and calls to protect the environment. Most of all, they are frightened by his insistence that the Church must place living out the message of the Gospel with integrity ahead of serving and maintaining institutional power.

In this book, Christopher Lamb, The Tablet's reporter in Rome, examines the Pope's ministry and agenda for the church, as well as the forces of opposition mobilized against him. What will this mean and portend for the Catholic Church? Will Pope Francis move the church in the direction he wants, or will his critics succeed in thwarting his efforts?

According to Lamb, US Catholic donors have cut off funding under Francis, furious at their loss of influence and in protest at the pope’s pronouncements on capitalism, the environment, refugees and inequality.

“No one can buy their way into one of Francis’s masses … You are more likely to hear mass celebrated by the pope if you are a Vatican gardener than if you have donated millions.”

According to Lamb, “everyone agrees, whether they are on the so-called conservative or liberal end of the spectrum, that the open opposition against [Francis] has not been seen in centuries, if ever … Worldly and clerical establishments, whether from Donald Trump and Fox News to conservative cardinals and an influential Catholic media network, have been engaged in guerrilla warfare against this pontificate.”

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