domingo, 23 de abril de 2023

Former top civil servant who worked under Raab dismisses 'activists' claim


23h ago

08.33 BST


Former top civil servant who worked under Raab dismisses 'activists' claim


Simon McDonald has denied Dominic Raab’s claims there were civil service “activists” in the Foreign Office and said those who worked under the former minister “worked very hard for him”.


Lord McDonald was permanent secretary under Raab when he was foreign secretary and worked closely with the former deputy prime minister.


McDonald told the BBC’s Today programme that he disagreed with his former boss and said there was no “separate civil service agenda” and he saw no evidence of a “group of activists trying to undermine a minister”.


Asked for his characterisation of Raab’s behaviour while he was at the Foreign Office, he said:


I witnessed a tough task master, I witnessed a minister who knew what he wanted to do, and frankly I witnessed somebody whose methods did not help him achieve what he wanted to do and that I raised with him more than once.


When McDonald raised these issues with Raab he said the characterisation was “disputed” by the MP for Esher and Walton.


McDonald added that the high threshold for submitting a formal complaint against ministers meant civil servants were reluctant to put their names to specific grievances.


Without that evidence, Mr Raab was able to deflect. He said, and in a way reasonably, ‘What is the evidence?’.


And without being able to present names and particular detailed instances, he resisted my representations.

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