quinta-feira, 16 de abril de 2020

Ban on Airbnb on the Red Light District and part of the canal belt

Ban on Airbnb  on the Red Light District and part of the canal belt

Amsterdam will ban holiday rentals on the Red Light District and part of the canal belt. These are the areas where the quality of life is normally under severe pressure from tourism. This is the first time that the municipality has imposed a ban.

Michiel Couzy16 april 2020, 10:20

Amsterdam will introduce a licensing system for Airbnb.  PICTURE ANP
The ban will take place on 1 July, councillor Laurens Ivens announced on Thursday morning. Overall, the ban applies in postcode areas 1012 and 1017. Then it concerns the Red Light District, the area around the Oudezijds  Achterburgwal  and  Oudezijds  Voorburgwal and the southern part of the canal belt, roughly between the Amstel and the  Leidsegracht..

Research shows that in these areas the pressure of tourism is normally very high, which puts severe pressure on residents. "Residents should be able to live comfortably in their own neighbourhood," ivens said. "On the street they already have to deal with the consequences of tourism. It is therefore important that residents in their own living environment do not experience nuisance from tourists. The aim of this measure is to contribute to this."

25,000 ads
Rentals to tourists have increased enormously in Amsterdam in recent years. One in 15 homes has been on Airbnb.  The offer of holiday rentals has grown to about 25,000 advertisements per month on various sites. In the coalition agreement, GroenLinks, PvdA, D66 and SP had already agreed to introduce bans on holiday rentals in overcrowded areas, but it was not yet clear how and whether it would be legally feasible.

A recent ruling by the Council of State offers an opening. It follows that holiday rentals are only possible with a permit. Amsterdam does not currently have a licensing system, which effectively makes all rentals to tourists illegal. The municipality has decided to introduce a licensing system as of 1 July. Landlords on the Red Light District and in the southern part of the canal belt will not be licensed, effectively introducing the ban. It does not specify whether the ban also applies to people who offer a room or part of their home through, for example, Airbnb. On its website, the municipality defines holiday rentalas 'you rent out your entire property and you are not at home when your guests are in the house.'

Ban in corona time
The municipality's measure comes at a time when tourism in the city is at a standstill due to the corona crisis. There is hardly any mention of holiday rentals, several homeowners are now offering their property for longer-term rentals, for example about three months, in the hope that tourism will get back on track.

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