sábado, 26 de outubro de 2024

Warning of a forthcoming collapse of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation


Warning of a forthcoming collapse of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation

Peter Ditlevsen & Susanne Ditlevsen

Nature Communications volume 14, Article number: 4254 (2023) Cite this article




The Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) is a major tipping element in the climate system and a future collapse would have severe impacts on the climate in the North Atlantic region. In recent years weakening in circulation has been reported, but assessments by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), based on the Climate Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP) model simulations suggest that a full collapse is unlikely within the 21st century. Tipping to an undesired state in the climate is, however, a growing concern with increasing greenhouse gas concentrations. Predictions based on observations rely on detecting early-warning signals, primarily an increase in variance (loss of resilience) and increased autocorrelation (critical slowing down), which have recently been reported for the AMOC. Here we provide statistical significance and data-driven estimators for the time of tipping. We estimate a collapse of the AMOC to occur around mid-century under the current scenario of future emissions.



A forthcoming collapse of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) is a major concern as it is one of the most important tipping elements in Earth’s climate system1,2,3. In recent years, model studies and paleoclimatic reconstructions indicate that the strongest abrupt climate fluctuations, the Dansgaard-Oeschger events4, are connected to the bimodal nature of the AMOC5,6. Numerous climate model studies show a hysteresis behavior, where changing a control parameter, typically the freshwater input into the Northern Atlantic, makes the AMOC bifurcate through a set of co-dimension one saddle-node bifurcations7,8,9. State-of-the-art Earth-system models can reproduce such a scenario, but the inter-model spread is large and the critical threshold is poorly constrained10,11. Based on the CMIP5 generation of models, the AR6 IPCC report quotes a collapse in the 21st century to be very unlikely (medium confidence)12. Among CMIP6 models, there is a larger spread in the AMOC response to warming scenarios, thus an increased uncertainty in the assessment of a future collapse13. There are, however, model biases toward overestimated stability of the AMOC, both from tuning to the historic climate record14, poor representation of the deep water formation15, salinity and glacial runoff16.


When complex systems, such as the overturning circulation, undergo critical transitions by changing a control parameter λ through a critical value λc, a structural change in the dynamics happens. The previously statistically stable state ceases to exist and the system moves to a different statistically stable state. The system undergoes a bifurcation, which for λ sufficiently close to λc can happen in a limited number of ways rather independent from the details in the governing dynamics17. Besides a decline of the AMOC before the critical transition, there are early-warning signals (EWSs), statistical quantities, which also change before the tipping happens. These are critical slowing down (increased autocorrelation) and, from the Fluctuation-Dissipation Theorem, increased variance in the signal18,19,20. The latter is also termed “loss of resilience”, especially in the context of ecological collapse21. The two EWSs are statistical equilibrium concepts. Thus, using them as actual predictors of a forthcoming transition relies on the assumption of quasi-stationary dynamics.


The AMOC has only been monitored continuously since 2004 through combined measurements from moored instruments, induced electrical currents in submarine cables and satellite surface measurements22. Over the period 2004–2012, a decline in the AMOC has been observed, but longer records are necessary to assess the significance. For that, careful fingerprinting techniques have been applied to longer records of sea surface temperature (SST), which, backed by a survey of a large ensemble of climate model simulations, have found the SST in the Subpolar gyre (SG) region of the North Atlantic (area marked with a black contour in Fig. 1a) to contain an optimal fingerprint of the strength of the AMOC23,24,25.(…)

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