segunda-feira, 7 de setembro de 2020

121 degrees Fahrenheit = 49,5 degrees Celsius in LA County !!!! // Califórnia. De paraíso a inferno // California. From paradise to hell // VIDEO: Historic heat fuels California wildfires

121 degrees Fahrenheit = 49,5 degrees Celsius in LA County !!!!

California is slowly becoming an immense Death Valley !!!!

Read the two articles below


     DEATH VALLEY On the afternoon of Sunday/August 16, 2020

At 121 degrees, Woodland Hills hits all-time high temperature for L.A. County



SEP. 6, 20207:58 AM UPDATED6:25 PM


As a historic heat wave left Southern California broiling, Woodland Hills on Sunday recorded an all-time high of 121 degrees, which the National Weather Service said was the hottest temperature recorded at an official weather station in Los Angeles County.


It broke the old record of 119 degrees set in July of 2006 and was one of several records to fall on Sunday. The NWS said Riverside hit its highest temperature ever for September at 117 degrees; Santa Ana hit a record high for the day at 106.


Escondido achieved an all-time high of 115 degrees, shattering a record set in 1909. Paso Robles also hit an all-time high at 117, as did Idyllwild (104) and Chino (121).


Woodland Hills is one of the hottest parts of Los Angeles and often records extreme temperatures. But the 121 degree reading — taken at Pierce College — marked the highest temperature from an official NWS station from both only L.A. County but also Ventura, Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo counties.


In some areas, Sunday was even hotter than Saturday, where the mercury hit historic levels in some areas. Officials said at least three areas tied or topped all-time record highs Saturday: Alpine (113), El Cajon (114) and Idyllwild (103). The weather service said Burbank appeared to tie an all-time record at 114 degrees.


A slight cooling trend should begin Monday. Even though areas could see temperatures drop by 10 degrees, many locations will remain in the triple digits.


All-time record heat across Southern California fuels fires, threatens power supply


Sep. 6, 2020


Officials, meanwhile, are warning of possible rolling blackouts because of demand on the power supply brought on by the heat.


The California Independent System Operator, which runs the electric grid for much of the state, declared a Stage 2 Emergency on Saturday night and warned it could order utilities to institute rotating power outages.


But shortly after 9 p.m., the body announced the emergency had been lifted with no outages necessary, crediting consumer energy conservation.


Still, the ISO said that rolling blackouts could be necessary Sunday, most likely between 5 p.m. and 9 p.m. The body was forecasting peak demand to outpace supply by about 4,000 megawatts.That could force utilities to cut off power to 2.5 to 3 million customers statewide, Eric Schmidt, vice president of operations for California ISO, said Sunday in a press briefing.


The ISO was urging consumers to conserve energy, particularly during the peak demand time of 3 and 6 p.m.


“I think it’s fair to say that without really significant conservation and help from customers today that we’ll have to have some rolling outages,” Schmidt, said. “So this is really an appeal for people to help us out to get through what will prove to be a very, very difficult day.”


Thousands lost power Saturday across the region as the demand caused by the heat strained the system. Both the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power and Southern California Edison reported scattered but small power outages.



Califórnia. De paraíso a inferno


 Em plena crise corona continuamos na nossa vida quotidiana a não considerar o determinante problema do clima com a urgência que merece.


 António Sérgio Rosa de Carvalho

27 de Agosto de 2020, 6:06


 Em 1970 os The Mamas & The Papas anunciavam o paraíso da Califórnia.(1) Paraíso garantido por clima ameno e referências culturais “mediterrânicas” residuais da antiga colonização espanhola, características largamente apreciadas pelas classes abastadas, estrelas de cinema e também os hippies de São Francisco.


 Na tarde de domingo/16 de Agosto de 2020 o famoso Vale da Morte na Califórnia registou a temperatura de 130 F, ou seja 55 graus C, talvez a mais alta temperatura jamais registada no Planeta. Ora, este local é um dos mais inóspitos do planeta, constituído por uma paisagem de ficção cientifica.


 Precisamente, nos filmes desastres/ficção científica a ruptura do sistema através das alterações climáticas é sempre imaginada em mega eco-cataclismos, facilmente reconhecíveis pela Humanidade. No entanto, em plena crise corona onde podemos experimentar um “cheirinho “de distopia, na qual todas as nossas assumidas seguranças desaparecem instantaneamente, continuamos na nossa vida quotidiana, apesar dos sinais progressivamente visíveis e dos avisos permanentes da classe científica, a não considerar o determinante problema do clima com a urgência que merece.


 Na Califórnia, o Verão, devido à conjugação de altas temperaturas, seca e tempestades tropicais transformadas em trovoadas “secas”, fontes de ignição de milhares de focos de incêndio em áreas mais e menos remotas, transformou-a num verdadeiro inferno. Portanto, aqui temos um exemplo concreto e nitidamente visível, digno de um “filme-desastre” anunciador de cataclismo/distópico/global, de que a Califórnia se está a transformar num imenso “Vale da Morte”.


 Façamos uma comparação em números do fenómeno: No mesmo período do ano passado a Califórnia registou 4,292 wildfires nos quais arderam 56.000 hectares. Este ano o número subiu para 7002 ‘wildfires’ nos quais arderam 1 milhão e 400 mil hectares com a destruição de 12.000 estruturas.(2) Ora num discurso “normal” de predicados e atractivos turísticos, é comum comparar Portugal à Califórnia. A 13 de Outubro de 2018, aqui no PÚBLICO (3) eu afirmava “que segundo as estimativas de alterações do clima, a Península Ibérica vai transformar-se num imenso deserto inabitável.”


 Muitos poderão considerar esta imagem alarmista, mas basta, por exemplo, consultar a “estratégia” esboçada por Costa e Silva para a Floresta Nacional, para ficarmos informados sobre o rigor, a “visão” e a efectividade da qualidade planeadora do mesmo.


 Num outro artigo aqui no PÚBLICO (4)  intitulado retoricamente “Coronavírus, o dia seguinte” eu, referindo-me à pausa distópica provocada pelo vírus, perguntava: “Vamos, finalmente, aprender alguma coisa, parar para reflectir, durante esta pausa a que fomos obrigados por este ‘factor externo’, microscópica mensagem emitida pelo macro organismo onde estamos inseridos?”.


 A resposta a esta pergunta fundamental, vamos obtê-la muito brevemente no determinante resultado das eleições americanas. Determinante para todo o mundo, quando o actual Presidente dos EUA, simplesmente, nega categoricamente que o problema do clima existe. Segundo ele trata-se de mais uma teoria da conspiração


                                   Historiador de Arquitectura



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California. From paradise to hell


 In the midst of the corona crisis we continue in our daily lives not to consider the decisive climate problem with the urgency it deserves.


 Antonio Sérgio Rosa

August 27, 2020, 6:06 AM


In 1970 The Mamas & The Papas announced california's paradise. (1)  Paradise guaranteed by mild climate and cultural references "Mediterranean" residual from the ancient Spanish colonization, characteristics widely appreciated by the wealthy classes, movie stars and also the hippies of San Francisco.


 On the afternoon of Sunday/August 16, 2020, the famous Death Valley in California recorded a temperature of 130 F, or 55 degrees C, perhaps the highest temperature ever recorded on the planet. Now, this place is one of the most inhospitable on the planet, consisting of a landscape of science fiction.


 Precisely, in disaster/science fiction films the rupture of the system through climate change is always imagined in mega eco-cataclysms, easily recognizable by humanity. However, in the midst of the corona crisis where we can experience a "smell" of dystopia, in which all our assumed security disappears instantly, we continue in our daily lives, despite the progressively visible signs and the permanent warnings of the scientific class, not to consider the decisive climate problem with the urgency it deserves.


 In California, summer, due to the combination of high temperatures, drought and tropical storms turned into "dry" thunderstorms, sources of ignition of thousands of fire outbreaks in more and less remote areas, turned it into a real inferno. So here we have a concrete and clearly visible example, worthy of a cataclysm/dystopian/global heralding "disaster film" that California is turning into an immense "Valley of Death".


Let's make a comparison in numbers of the phenomenon: In the same period last year California recorded 4,292 wildfires in which they burned 56,000 hectares. This year the number rose to 7002 'wildfires' in which burned 1.4 million hectares with the destruction of 12,000 structures.( 2)  In a "normal" discourse of predicates and tourist attractions, it is common to compare Portugal to California. On October 13, 2018, here at PÚBLICO (3) I stated "that according to estimates of climate change, the Iberian Peninsula will turn into an immense uninhabitable desert."


 Many may consider this image alarmist, but it is enough, for example, to consult the "strategy" outlined by Costa e Silva for the National Forest, to be informed about the rigor, the "vision" and effectiveness of the planning quality of the same.


In another article here in PÚBLICO (4)  rhetorically titled "Coronavirus, the next day" I, referring to the dystopian pause caused by the virus, asked: "Will we finally learn something, stop to reflect, during this pause to which we were forced by this 'external factor', microscopic message issued by the macro organism where we are inserted?".


 The answer to this fundamental question, we will get it very briefly in the decisive outcome of the American elections. Crucial for the whole world, when the current Us President simply categorically denies that the climate problem exists. According to him it is another conspiracy theory


                                   Historian of Architecture



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