sábado, 15 de junho de 2024

PVV MP accused of bigotry and racism will still be named Asylum & Immigration minister


FRIDAY, 14 JUNE 2024 - 20:41



PVV MP accused of bigotry and racism will still be named Asylum & Immigration minister


Controversial PVV politician Marjolein Faber will still be put forward as the intended Minister of Asylum and Immigration, said Richard van Zwol, who is leading the discussion between the four parties forming a new coalition government. Van Zwol held crisis talks with the PVV, VVD, NSC and BBB party leaders and the expected prime minister, Dick Schoof. Opposition parties expressed their disappointment about the decision on Friday evening.


Schoof would not comment after the meeting, other than saying it was a "useful conversation." The party leaders from the PVV, VVD, NSC and BBB refused to comment. From next Monday to Wednesday, Van Zwol will receive all candidate ministers who have been officially nominated. Faber's name was missing from the overview shared on Friday by the press office for the Cabinet formation, but Van Zwol later said Faber will also be invited for an interview.


Faber was under fire because of earlier statements she made during her 12-year political career, and the manner in which she was appointed frustrated the VVD and NSC. She advocated for the abolition of Islam when she was a member of the Senate and a member of the Tweede Kamer. She also said migration was "repopulation," a term which Prime Minister Mark Rutte said originated from Nazism. She also once said Rutte's Cabinet was like a "fifth pillar" meant to undermine the Dutch State.


Additionally, she once alleged that a stabbing suspect looked "North African," despite witness statements to the contrary. A white Dutch person was eventually arrested, but Faber refused to retract her statement. She also hired her son's business to create the PVV Gelderland website and the PVV Senate website, and paid him using the party's money.


The emergency meeting was called after VVD leader Dilan Yeşilgöz spoke critically on Friday morning about Faber's appointment. Faber, who is currently sitting in Parliament, was tapped to succeed Gidi Markuszower. Her fellow MP was dropped as a ministerial candidate on Thursday after he failed the security screening conducted by civilian intelligence agency AIVD. PVV leader Geert Wilders made the decision with Van Zwol.


"There is commotion about my statements that I made in the past as a member of the opposition. Also among the VVD and NSC factions. I understand that," Faber wrote on X. She said should she serve on the Cabinet, she will express herself within the boundaries of the coalition agreement, and their pledge to uphold "the rule of law." This includes provisions about religious freedom.


Van Zwol said he thinks the politician is a suitable candidate for the post and said that she has also passed the AIVD screening. It is unprecedented for the name of a candidate minister to be known and then to be dropped after a screening. It is also very unusual for a coalition party to openly question a candidate minister, as the VVD did with Faber. "It really happens in every formation that one or more of the candidates in particular are put in the spotlight," Van Zwol said, trying to downplay it.


During the consultation with the faction leaders, it was also discussed how they communicate their reservations and dissatisfaction to each other. Van Zwol says that from now on they will "express themselves more calmly in the media." This intention was expressed several times during the formation process, yet the negotiating parties continued to criticize each other via traditional and social media. He emphasized several times that he wants to maintain "peace and order."


It is not yet known who will become deputy prime minister on behalf of the PVV. According to Van Zwol, this has not been discussed. Wilders will announce that name by Monday at the latest.

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