domingo, 27 de dezembro de 2020

Coronavirus vaccinations roll out across Europe | DW News

COVID-19 vaccinations have begun in countries across the European Union. The vaccine is seen as the first significant step forward in a crisis that has elevated health workers and scientists to heroes. Now it's the turn of a new type of hero to roll up their sleeves, with Europe's most elderly lining up for the vaccine.

Celebration, as Spain vaccinates its first person against the coronavirus.

It's a moment of hope in one of the countries hardest hit by the pandemic.

In Italy, medical staff were the first to get the jab. Their country too, ravaged by the first wave of the virus.

In the Czech Republic, Prime Minister Andrej Babis led the way.

While in Sweden, the first was a 91-year old retirement home resident.

Supply of the vaccine is limited but demand is huge.

With most EU countries receiving an initial batch of no more than 10-Thousand doses, each member state is prioritizing who gets the jab.

Further supplies are expected in the New Year, but officials warn there's a long way to go before everyone can be vaccinated.

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