quinta-feira, 23 de maio de 2024

EUROPEAN ELECTIONS / Summary of the day


3h ago

18.41 CEST



Summary of the day

  • The bureau of the Identity and Democracy group in the European parliament said it is excluding the Alternative for Germany delegation with immediate effect
  • Politicians debated the future of the EU in the third and final election debate ahead of the June European elections.
  • Ursula von der Leyen, Nicolas Schmit, Terry Reintke, Sandro Gozi and Walter Baier debated the economy, defence, migration and democracy, among other topics.
  • The European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) and the Identity and Democracy (ID) party were not represented in the debate.
  • Von der Leyen defended her record as European Commission president.
  • The discussion often returned to the theme of investment, particularly when it comes to climate and defence.
  • Other participants questioned von der Leyen’s positioning on which parties on the right she would be open to working with, focusing in particular on the question of whether the she would work with Giorgia Meloni and the ECR.
  • Von der Leyen said her three criteria for cooperation are being pro-European, pro-Ukraine and against Putin, and for the rule of law.
  • Pressed on Meloni and the ECR, von der Leyen did not fully answer the question. “We’re gonna see whether those who are pro-European – and she is clearly pro-European – against Putin – she’s been very clear on that one – and pro-rule of law, if this holds – and then we offer to work together,” she said.
  • Schmit presented a strong critique of migration policies that have reportedly led to migrants being pushed into the desert. He also pushed von der Leyen on her red lines when it comes to the far-right.
  • Gozi made the case for “real European power” and called for stepping up investment in defence, with financing in the form of joint bonds.
  • Reintke said the climate crisis is not waiting and said the way the EU makes decisions must be improved.
  • When it comes to Russia’s war in Ukraine, the European Left’s Baier said he don’t see a solution on the battlefield. His position contrasted with that of others on stage. Von der Leyen stressed that it’s important to improve the European defence industry and invest in European projects while continuing to stand by Ukraine.

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