quinta-feira, 30 de maio de 2024

Trump campaign immediately fundraises: ‘I’m a political prisoner!’


Trump campaign immediately fundraises: ‘I’m a political prisoner!’

The Trump campaign has repeatedly sought to turn legal troubles into fundraising surges.


Jessica Piper




Within minutes of the guilty verdict being read in the New York court, the Trump campaign’s official website redirected to a fundraising page declaring he was a “political prisoner.”


“I was just convicted in a RIGGED political Witch Hunt trial: I DID NOTHING WRONG! They’ve raided my home, arrested me, took my mugshot, AND NOW THEY’VE JUST CONVICTED ME!” the page said.


Trump was convicted of 34 counts and will be sentenced July 11.


The fundraising page also included Trump’s mugshot from when he was arraigned in Georgia last year in a case accusing him of participating in a scheme to overturn the 2020 election results. The page asked for donations of $20.24 and up for Trump’s joint fundraising committee.


Since Trump was first charged in the New York case last year, his legal woes have been a massive fundraising driver for his campaign. His political operation has sought to capitalize on the trial for fundraising purposes, regularly sending emails with subject lines such as, “I stormed out of court!”

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