segunda-feira, 7 de setembro de 2015

Migrant crisis: Jean-Claude Juncker plans to compensate countries for each refugee taken in

Migrant crisis: Jean-Claude Juncker plans to compensate countries for each refugee taken in
European Commission president will announce plans to give €6,000 for every refugee a country accepts

Jean Claude Juncker insisted the crisis will not force leaders to “set aside Schengen,” amid warnings the free movement zone is under pressure from the migratory flow

Jean-Claude Juncker will this week attempt to overcome hostility from eastern Europe to a programme of migrant distribution quotas by offering bounties worth thousands of euros.
In a ‘State of the Union’ address to the European Parliament – a speech modeled on that delivered annually by the US president – the European Commission president is expected to highlight compensation of €6,000 (£4,400) to be given for each refugee a country accepts.
Countries will be paid €500 in transport costs for every asylum seeker who arrives in their country that needs to be relocated to an EU neighbour within the scheme.
Mr Juncker – under fire for the EU’s response to the crisis - is expected to use the address to build political support for a mandatory scheme to relocate some 160,000 refugees from Italy, Greece and Hungary around the bloc.
It is an ambitious target: a similar plan for just 40,000 people had to be downgraded from a mandatory to a voluntary scheme earlier this year after meeting with objections from member states.
Mr Juncker insisted the crisis will not force leaders to “set aside Schengen,” amid warnings the free movement zone is under pressure from the migratory flow.
“The right to free movement is an achievement of Europe and it is untouchable. We must not jeopardise Schengen, just because some member states violate European rules, and regard solidarity as fair-weather word,” he told the Bild newspaper.
Werner Faymann, the Austrian chancellor, on Sunday called for an emergency summit of EU leaders to address the crisis.
Federica Mogherini, the EU’s chief diplomat, said that the flow is “here to stay”, and said those coming to Europe are refugees who required legal protection.
That contradicts the stance of eastern European countries which claim the incomers are motivated by higher standards of living and are coming from states such as Pakistan and Mali.
“It is partially a migrant flow, but it is mainly a refugee flow, which puts us in a different situation when it comes to our legal and moral duties,” said Mrs Mogherini.
German chancellor Angela Merkel’s decision to allow thousands of migrants stranded in Hungary to enter Germany caused a split in her conservative coalition.

Leaders of Bavaria’s Christian Social Union agreed in a conference call that the decision “sent totally the wrong signal”, and that federal states that have to deal with the influx were not consulted.

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