quinta-feira, 24 de agosto de 2023

Trump Shakes Up His Georgia Legal Team Ahead of Atlanta Booking


Trump Shakes Up His Georgia Legal Team Ahead of Atlanta Booking


Mr. Trump is hiring Steve Sadow, a veteran criminal defense lawyer in Atlanta who has taken on a number of high-profile cases.


Richard Fausset Maggie Haberman Danny Hakim

By Richard Fausset, Maggie Haberman and Danny Hakim

Aug. 24, 2023

Updated 10:07 a.m. ET



Just before his visit to an Atlanta jail to be booked on 13 felony counts, Donald J. Trump has shaken up his Georgia legal defense team, adding Steve Sadow, a veteran criminal defense lawyer who has taken on a number of high-profile cases.


Mr. Trump’s decision comes soon after one of his lawyers, Drew Findling, and his two other lawyers in the Georgia case, Jennifer Little and Marissa Goldberg, negotiated a $200,000 bond for Mr. Trump, who is one of 19 defendants in a sweeping racketeering indictment charging them with engaging in a “criminal enterprise” that sought to overturn Mr. Trump’s 2020 election loss in Georgia.


Mr. Findling is expected to be let go, according to a person familiar with the matter, while Ms. Little will be retained.


Mr. Sadow said in a statement that Mr. Trump “should never have been indicted, adding, “He is innocent of all the charges brought against him.”


He added that “prosecutions intended to advance or serve the ambitions and careers of political opponents of the president have no place in our justice system.”


The shake-up was first reported by ABC News.


On Thursday, Mr. Trump is expected to surrender at the Fulton County Jail in Atlanta, where he is likely to be fingerprinted and photographed, the protocol for all criminal defendants in the county. Supporters of Mr. Trump began arriving early in the morning to demonstrate in front of the jail; by 9:30 a.m., dozens of people were there, carrying signs and shouting slogans.


Rick Hearn, 44, an Atlanta accountant, displayed a poster with an image of Mr. Trump next to one of Nelson Mandela, with the title “political prisoners.”


“I feel like I needed to be a part of this,” Mr. Hearn said, adding that “those in charge” need to know that they could not “take away our rights and get away with it.”


The Georgia indictment, released last week, is the fourth criminal case against Mr. Trump to be filed this year. It targets not just Mr. Trump, but also an array of his allies who are accused of engaging in election interference after the November 2020 vote. The defendants include both little-known supporters of Mr. Trump and high-profile political players like Rudolph W. Giuliani, Mr. Trump’s former lawyer, and Mark Meadows, Mr. Trump’s former White House chief of staff.


As of Thursday morning, nearly half of the 19 defendants had been booked at the jail, and a cascade of legal maneuvering was underway. Three defendants are seeking to remove their cases to federal court: Mr. Meadows; Jeffrey Clark, a former Justice Department official; and David Shafer, a former head of the Georgia Republican Party.


A fourth criminal case. Former President Donald Trump was indicted for a fourth time on Aug. 14, this time over what prosecutors in Atlanta described as his efforts to unlawfully undo his election loss in Georgia in 2020. The indictment includes 13 charges against Trump, as well as charges against 18 of his allies. Here are some key takeaways:


Trump was charged under Georgia’s RICO Act. Prosecutors charged Trump and his allies under the state’s Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization Act, which allows them to link various crimes committed by different people by arguing that they were acting together for a common criminal goal. At its heart, the statute requires prosecutors to prove the existence of an “enterprise” and a “pattern of racketeering activity.”


The charges reach far beyond Trump. Among the 18 Trump allies charged in the case are Rudolph Giuliani, the former New York City mayor and lawyer for Trump, and Mark Meadows, the former White House chief of staff. Also charged are several more lawyers who are accused of working to try to overturn the election, including John Eastman and Sidney Powell.


The charges fall into several baskets. Several of the individual counts stem from false claims of election fraud that Giuliani and two other Trump lawyers made at legislative hearings in December 2020. Another batch of charges concerns a plan to vote for a false slate of pro-Trump electors. A third raft of charges accuses several Trump allies of conspiring to steal voter data and tamper with voting equipment in Coffee County, Ga.


The district attorney gave Trump 10 days to turn himself in. Fani Willis, the district attorney who led the lengthy investigation, gave Trump until noon on Aug. 25 to surrender in Fulton County, where he would be arraigned on the charges and enter a plea. The Fulton County sheriff said he expected that Trump would be booked in the same way as any other defendant. Trump said he would turn himself in on Aug. 24.


Another defendant, Kenneth Chesebro, filed a speedy-trial demand on Wednesday. Under that scenario, which Georgia law allows, the trial for all 19 people indicted in the case would have to start no later than Nov. 3 — months earlier than prosecutors had sought.


Given all the pretrial wrangling that must be resolved, the ultimate timing of a trial or trials remains up in the air.


The office of the Fulton County district attorney, Fani T. Willis, is prosecuting the case. Her office has requested that arraignments take place in the week of Sept. 5. Defendants have the right to waive appearing at an arraignment, where defendants answer the charges against them.


Abruptly reconfiguring his legal team is more of a feature than a bug for Mr. Trump. He has cycled through scores of lawyers over his decades in the New York real estate world and in his more recent political career. In some instances, he has been known to refuse to pay lawyers for their work, although those who are working for him in connection with the four criminal cases that he now faces are being paid.


Mr. Trump has not paid them with his personal funds, but using donations his supporters made in the wake of the 2020 election, after he said that he needed help to pursue claims of widespread voting fraud — claims that were widely debunked.


Recently, a number of lawyers working on Mr. Trump’s behalf have faced their own legal troubles, particularly in connection with the indictment in Georgia.


Mr. Sadow, who keeps a modest office on Peachtree Street in downtown Atlanta, is considered by many people in the city’s legal community to be among its most talented criminal defense lawyers. Perhaps unsurprisingly in a city that is the putative hip-hop capital of the world, Mr. Sadow, like Mr. Findling, has represented rap clients, including T.I., Rick Ross and Gunna, as well as the singer Usher.


Mr. Sadow has been involved in another high profile racketeering case. In December, Gunna, whose real name is Sergio Kitchens, pleaded guilty to a racketeering charge in the sprawling Fulton County gang case against Young Slime Life, or YSL, an Atlanta hip-hop collective founded by the superstar rapper Jeffery Williams, who performs as Young Thug. As part of his plea, Mr. Kitchens, who was represented by Mr. Sadow, admitted that YSL is also a criminal street gang, according to a spokesman for the Fulton County District Attorney’s Office.


Mr. Kitchens, as part of the agreement, entered what is known as an Alford plea, which allows defendants to maintain their innocence while pleading guilty. He was sentenced to five years in prison, but was released after one year of the sentence was commuted to time served and the rest was suspended.


Other high-profile clients of Mr. Sadow have included Howard K. Stern, the boyfriend of Anna Nicole Smith, who was accused of taking part in a conspiracy to provide her with prescription drugs before her death; Mr. Stern’s conviction in the case was ultimately overturned.


More than two decades ago, Mr. Sadow was a fixture in news reports about a scandal involving an Atlanta strip club called the Gold Club, which, according to federal prosecutors, had ties to the Gambino crime family of New York and was a den of prostitution and grift.


Mr. Sadow represented the club’s owner, Steven E. Kaplan, in that case. In a deal with prosecutors, Mr. Kaplan pleaded guilty to one count of racketeering and agreed to forfeit $5 million to the government and spend three to five years in prison. The case sputtered out as other defendants pleaded guilty to lesser charges; Mr. Sadow, at the time, called the plea agreement “a very good deal for all concerned.”


When Mr. Trump chose Mr. Findling last summer to head his Georgia legal defense team, it made some sense, given Mr. Trump’s experience in the world of pop culture and his affinity for oversized personalities. Mr. Findling, who is often photographed wearing stylish sunglasses, refers to himself as the #BillionDollarLawyer on Instagram, and has represented rappers including Cardi B, Gucci Mane and Migos.


He has a reputation as a skilled lawyer who has taken on cases ranging from high-profile murders to local political corruption scandals.


Before he was hired, Mr. Findling had sharply criticized Mr. Trump numerous times on social media. In 2018, he referred to Mr. Trump as “the racist architect of fraudulent Trump University.”


But once he was hired, Mr. Findling delivered a vigorous defense of Mr. Trump. Before the former president’s indictment last week, Mr. Findling and his team filed a number of motions seeking to throw out evidence collected by a special grand jury, and to have Ms. Willis taken off the case.


His strategy was seen by many legal observers as aggressive but worth attempting, though it wore on the patience of the presiding judge and ultimately proved futile. Courts ruled that Mr. Trump lacked legal standing to bring such challenges because he had not yet been charged at that time.


Like Mr. Findling, Mr. Sadow has publicly expressed misgivings about Mr. Trump. On the way to taking a swipe at the former F.B.I. director James Comey in one 2017 exchange on Twitter, Mr. Sadow made a point of noting that he was “not a DT supporter.”


Sean Keenan and Christian Boone contributed reporting.


Richard Fausset is a correspondent based in Atlanta. He mainly writes about the American South, focusing on politics, culture, race, poverty and criminal justice. He previously worked at The Los Angeles Times, including as a foreign correspondent in Mexico City. More about Richard Fausset


Maggie Haberman is a senior political correspondent and the author of “Confidence Man: The Making of Donald Trump and the Breaking of America.” She was part of a team that won a Pulitzer Prize in 2018 for reporting on President Trump’s advisers and their connections to Russia. More about Maggie Haberman


Danny Hakim is an investigative reporter. He has been a European economics correspondent and bureau chief in Albany and Detroit. He was also a lead reporter on the team awarded the 2009 Pulitzer Prize for Breaking News. More about Danny Hakim

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