terça-feira, 25 de março de 2025

Grote onrust over azc in Berlicum | Omroep Brabant / Arrival of asylum seekers' centre in Berlicum in jeopardy, crisis atmosphere in coalition

Arrival of asylum seekers' centre in Berlicum in jeopardy, crisis atmosphere in coalition


The arrival of an asylum seekers' centre on the Runweg in Berlicum hangs by a thread. The largest coalition party in Sint-Michielsgestel, PPA, is no longer behind it, which means that the confidence of the other coalition partners has disappeared.


Wilco Zonneveld

last Sunday at 21:34


about 14 hours ago


PPA is the largest party in the city council with seven seats. In a statement on its website, the party now shares its vision on the asylum seekers' center file, which was fiercely protested against in Berlicum last week. "The PPA understands that unrest. This is because there is no transparent process and it seems that our residents are confronted with faits accomplis. In such a process, the concerns of our residents must be taken seriously."


That is why the coalition party now wants the 300 refugees to be spread over several cores in the municipality. PPA also believes that the municipality should keep control of the shelter. In the statement, the political party therefore advises the college, to which PPA itself provides aldermen, to stop the process.


Coalition partners surprised

GroenLinks/PvdA party leader Adriaan van der Maarel would have preferred to have a conversation in the council about the possibilities and conditions that a possible asylum seekers' center had to meet. He is therefore surprised that the PPA is now coming up with its own vision. "If the largest group in the college takes care of this change and wants to press the pause button, we do not think it is responsible in these circumstances to continue with this process."


Together with the other coalition party SMG, Van der Maarel has requested an extra city council meeting for next week. "The intention is to have a public conversation about the asylum seekers' center process and to critically examine the actions of the PPA and the college."


Crisis atmosphere in coalition

In that meeting, it must become clear how to proceed. It is clear that there is a coalition crisis on this theme. When asked whether Van der Maarel is afraid that the coalition will collapse, he did not want to answer on Sunday evening.

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