Interior Minister considers revoking protection status for Syrian refugees
The Foreign
and Interior Ministries are working together to gain a clearer picture of the
situation in Syria after the fall of Bashar al Assad's regime
January 5
The German
Interior Minister Nancy Faeser has presented a four-point plan for dealing with
Syrian refugees, which also includes cancelling the granting of protection. “In
accordance with our law, the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees will
review and revoke protection if people no longer need it in Germany because the
situation in Syria has stabilized,” the minister told the newspapers of the
Funke media group. “This will also apply to those who do not have the right to
stay for other reasons, such as work or education, and who do not return to
Syria voluntarily.” The foreign and interior ministries are working together to
gain a clearer picture of the situation in Syria after the fall of the Bashar
al Assad. “We are focusing primarily on security issues,” Faeser said. “We are
also coordinating all our actions in close cooperation with our European and
international partners.”
Faeser cited
three other important points in her plan. “First, those who are well
integrated, work, have learned German and have found a new home here should be
able to stay in Germany.” Second, people who want to return will be given all
the support they need. To this end, the federal government’s voluntary
repatriation program will be expanded. Third, the interior minister has spoken
out in favor of deporting criminals and Islamists as quickly as possible. “We
have significantly expanded the legal options for this and will use them as
soon as the situation in Syria allows,” Faeser said. For the first time after
more than a decade of terror and violence, there is hope for peace in Syria,
Faeser said. “If this hope for peace becomes reality, many refugees will also
be able to return.”
Christian Democratic Union (CDU) has expressed strong criticism of Interior
Minister Nancy Faeser's plans to repatriate Syrian refugees. Alexander Trom,
the CDU's spokesperson for domestic policy in the Bundestag, told the
“Rheinische Post” that refugee protection should be seen as “a temporary stay.”
According to Throm, “for the majority of Syrian refugees, the original reason
for fleeing the Assad regime no longer exists.” The CDU MP therefore called for
the return to Syria of those who do not contribute sufficiently to German
society, and also proposed the immediate suspension of family reunification for
Syrian refugees.
The issue is
part of the debate on immigration management, which has intensified after the
attack in Magdeburg. The Chancellor also Olaf Scholz had promised more decisive
action, including the deportation of Syrian criminals, but Throm accuses the
government of still failing to take concrete steps.
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