quinta-feira, 12 de novembro de 2015

If even Sweden is closing its borders to refugees, this really could be the end for mass immigration

If even Sweden is closing its borders to refugees, this really could be the end for mass immigration

By shutting its doors to the tide of migrants now sweeping across Europe, Sweden proves that there is such a thing as being too nice

By Julia Hartley-Brewer11:38AM GMT 12 Nov 2015

I know we’re not supposed to make generalisations about entire nations and their people but, if pushed, I’d say the Swedes seem like a pretty nice bunch.
They live in a prosperous, orderly society, with great schools and hospitals, a generous welfare system funded by high taxes and, by any statistical measure you care to choose, seem to be happier than most with their lot in life.
Not only have they given the world Abba, Ikea and Volvo, they also have a long tradition of providing a safe haven to those in need.
"There are more migrants per capita in this small country of under 10 million people than in any other European nation"
So it is quite a big deal when a nice country like Sweden decides, completely of its own accord, to temporarily close its borders to immigrants.
Yet that is precisely what Sweden has done, from midday today, with the introduction of temporary border checks, for what they say is an initial 10 days, to control the flow of Syrian and other migrants into the country.
They are not the first to do so. After all, the Hungarian and Slovenian governments were both widely criticised for putting up fences to halt the flow of migrants through their countries.
Now, as EU and African leaders hold a second day of talks in Malta to discuss measures to stem the flow of migrants, the Swedes are finally facing up to the reality of their generous open door policy.
Swedish Interior Minister Anders Ygeman said the step had been decided because the surge in new arrivals posed a threat to public order. His aim is to use the border checks to register new arrivals and prevent many thousands of people from entering and staying in the country illegally.
The country, with welcoming arms outstretched, has received more than 100,000 asylum seekers this year alone which, relative to population size, means that Sweden has already taken far more migrants than any other EU country during the Syrian migration crisis.
There are more migrants per capita in this small country of under 10 million people than in any other European nation, with up to another 100,000 new arrivals expected before the end of the year: there were more than 10,000 asylum applications last week alone.
But, it seems, enough is enough. Even for the cuddly Swedes.
While the prime minister Stephen Löfven is keen to keep the door wide open, and polls suggest that most Swedes still welcome refugees, it seems their enthusiasm is starting to wane now that they have started to feel the effects of this massive influx of people who do not share their language, religion, culture or values.
Their generous welfare state is buckling under the pressure of the new arrivals, whether it comes to social services, schools or hospitals, and Sweden has, to put it bluntly, run out of housing to hand out to new arrivals and is now converting sports centres into makeshift accommodation before their icy winter hits with a vengeance.
Meanwhile the migrants who have found homes have – inevitably - moved into ghetto-like communities, totally isolated from mainstream Swedish society, and continue to live as if they were still back home in Syria, Iraq or Eritrea.
This has led – again, inevitably - to growing support for the anti-immigration Sweden Democrats Party and to Sweden’s conservative party, the Moderates, calling for increased border controls.
It is highly likely that support for both parties will increase as Swedes come to terms with the full, long lasting effects of mass immigration on their previously cohesive society.
Just a few decades ago, Sweden was one of the most homogeneous countries in the world, with a largely ethnically white, Christian population, sharing the same values, norms, cultural heritage and beliefs.
Advert for the Sweden Democrats at a subway station in Stockholm. In a series of signs arranged along the ceiling of the escalator as commuters descend, it reads : "Sorry about the mess here in Sweden. We have a serious problem with forced begging! International gangs profit from people's desperation. Our government won't do what's needed. But we will! And we're growing at record speed. =)"
Advert for the Sweden Democrats at a subway station in Stockholm Photo: REUTERS
Today, almost 30 per cent of the country has at least one foreign-born parent. While many of these are fellow Scandinavians or Europeans, more recent arrivals are not.
This is not, of itself, a bad thing. But there are few countries that have been able to handle such a rapid rate of demographic change successfully, to integrate and assimilate new arrivals into the homegrown culture – let alone when the migrants come from such a different culture, do not speak the native language or share that country’s liberal values.

The Swedes may well be among the nicest people of Europe but, after opening their doors to hundreds of thousands of migrants, they may soon find out that it doesn’t always pay to be nice.

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