quarta-feira, 11 de novembro de 2015

Slovenia erects fence on Croatian border

Slovenia erects fence on Croatian border

Slovenia has struggled to cope with increased migrant flows since Hungary closed its border.

By IVO OLIVEIRA 11/11/15, 3:14 PM CET Updated 11/11/15, 7:45 PM CET

Slovenia began building a barbed-wire fence along its border with Croatia on Wednesday, a day after the prime minister announced his intention to erect temporary barriers to control the arrival of migrants.
News agencies reported that Slovenian military personnel had been deployed near the northeastern town of Gibina, on the border with Croatia, and had begun to erect barriers using rolls of barbed wire.

Slovenia has struggled to cope with the flow of migrants trying to get through its territory into Austria and Germany since Hungary closed its border with Croatia in mid-October, which prompted migrants to try to travel via Slovenia instead.
On Tuesday, about 7,400 refugees entered Slovenia, the STA news agency reported. Since mid-October, an estimated 180,000 migrants have passed through the Balkans, from Turkey via Greece, Macedonia, Serbia and Croatia via Slovenia and into Western Europe.
Prime Minister Miro Cerar’s response was to announce on Tuesday the construction of “temporary technical obstacles” to control the influx of refugees, arguing that his government expected another 30,000 people to arrive in the coming days. The new measure had the objective of avoiding a “humanitarian disaster,” he told AFP.
“These obstacles, including fences if needed, will have the objective of directing migrants towards the border crossings. We are not closing our borders,” he added.
Austria also announced at the end of October the construction of a fence to ensure an “orderly, controlled entry.”

Ivo Oliveira

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